急急急, 求问新西兰到HONG KONG PORT 海运要多久

在写 commerical law assginement.  中间涉及到卖方是否延迟交货给买方。 因为地震原因,卖方花了19天时间 ,从新西兰运货到香港港口。我原本以为3到4天就够了,,但是有同学说,需要至少15-30+      实在不知道到底多久啊。  求有经验,懂得朋友给说下。马上交作业了。

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whats the term stated in the contract? regarding delivery time
babydoll1 发表于 2014-3-28 10:14
whats the term stated in the contract? regarding delivery time

the yogurt should  arrive in Hong Kong between the first and third day of March frm NewZeland.  However, on the 22February  a powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch destroying port infrastructure and the local warehouse. The seller informed buyer on 24 February that the shipment of March would be delayed. The shipment finally arrived in Hong Kong on the 15 March.  

In a fax date 10 March, buyer wrote to seller they refuse acceptance of the March shipment because it was delayed by more than one week.

来自手机 | 只看该作者
is this international commercial law?
i would argue, the buyer was notified on the 24th of feb, hence knew the shipment will be late. assuming a week late meaning the goods should of arrived on no later the 3rd of march. they had plenty of time to take action but they did not.
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babydoll1 发表于 2014-3-28 10:53
is this international commercial law?
i would argue, the buyer was notified on the 24th of feb, he ...

yes . interntaitonal commeriical law.  So, your mean is the buyer can not cancel the contract?
来自手机 | 只看该作者
ive never done the course so i cannot say. i would argue for no because they didnt give reasonable period of notice. normally, this kind of thing wouldnt happen coz theres definitely a clause in the contract for it....
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babydoll1 发表于 2014-3-28 11:17
ive never done the course so i cannot say. i would argue for no because they didnt give reasonable p ...

十六 发表于 2014-3-28 16:53

Good luck. 还是Patrick 教吗?
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babydoll1 发表于 2014-3-28 19:50
Good luck. 还是Patrick 教吗?

十六 发表于 2014-3-29 17:16

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