Software development tutoring for undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students

本帖最后由 ITworld 于 2013-10-21 16:48 编辑

计算机编程 Software development tutoring for  undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students
1.  C++ C, Java, C#, PHP and python programing;

2. Embedded develoment
    Atml studion 2010 for Teensy based on ATmega324U;
    Arduino programming;

3. PLC programming;

4. Mathematial Modelling
    Matlab programing;
    Simulink Modelling;
   VisSim Modelling;
   ANSYS Modellig;
   ANSYS Fluent 14.5 Modelling;
   Comsol Modelling;
5. Commercial quality Web Based software develoment
  •      Java Enterprise Edition [J2EE] platform:

     Eclipse for Java EE development ;
  •      Microsoft .NET4 platform:

     Website development based on Microsoft .NET4 combining with SQL Sever 2010;
     Programming for courses of Distributed Computing;
     MS Sql  Server,  Oracle database development using SQL programming ;
     Microsoft Visual studio 2010, SharePoint development;   
     We can help you to master the corresponding skills and successfully complete your assignment
     Contact: 0423474907, email: [email protected]
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