托福写作涉及的范围极广,为了帮助大家顺利获得托福写作高分,下面我们将托福写作中的涉及的各种高分句型分享给大家,希望对大家会有一定能够的帮助,下面我们就来详细介绍一下。 托福写作中的得分句【热点话题高分句型】 “科技”定义: Technology is theactivity or study of using scientific knowledge for practical purposes inindustry, farming, medicine, business, etc. 可能用到的题目: Technology designed tomake our life simpler actually makes our life more complicated. “电话”定义: The telephone is atechnology of communication that makes it possible for people to talk directlyto someone else in a different place. 可能用到的题目: Telephone has hadgreater effects on people's lives than television. “电视”定义: Television, acommunicative medium sending and receiving pictures and sounds by electricalsignals, has become a traditional form of mass media and part of the modernculture. 可能用到的题目: The purpose oftelevision should be all educative, not entertaining. “电影”定义: Movies, moving picturesthat can tell stories or show reality, have become a mainstream form of art andan important way of entertainment. 可能用到的题目: Movies and TV have morenegative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave. “电子书”定义: An electronic bookrefers to a book-length publication in digital form. 可能用到的题目:In twenty years from now,students will not use printed books anymore. “旅行”定义: Travel means one’s moving from a familiar place to another or to several places. 可能用到的题目: Which way is the bestfor students to make new friends: joining a sport team, participating incommunity activities, or travelling? “体育运动”定义: Sports are games suchas football, tennis and other activities which need physical effort and skill. 可能用到的题目: Sports can teach peopleimportant lessons on the understanding of life. “社会生活”定义: Social life consists ofthe activities in which people socialize, for example in their houses or atparties. 可能用到的题目: It is more importantfor schools to fund their students’ social activitiesthan to improve students’ meals. “社交技能”定义: Social skill is anyskill facilitating interaction and communication with others. 可能用到的题目: Students should nottake part-time jobs while they are studying in universities. “建议”定义: If people give youadvice, they tell you what they think you should do in a particular situation. 可能用到的题目: Getting advice from peoplewho are older than you is more valuable than from people of your age. “政府”定义: A government is thegroup of people who are responsible for governing a country for a particulartime. 可能用到的题目: People can solveimportant problems by themselves or with the help from their family members sothere's no need for the government to help them. “教育”定义: Education is a form oflearning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people aretransferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, orresearch. 可能用到的题目: Improving schools isthe most important factor in the successful development of a country. “大学”定义: A university is aninstitution where students study for degrees and where academic research isdone. 可能用到的题目: For the successfuldevelopment of a county, a government should focus its budget more on theeducation of very young children (5—10 years old)rather than on university. “教授”定义: A professor is ascholarly teacher whose duty consists of both teaching and doing research. 可能用到的题目: It is more importantfor professor to teach students than to do researches. “艺术”和“艺术家”定义: Art is the creation andproduction of paintings, drawings, sculptures, etc., when these things areconsidered to be beautiful or to express in a unique way a particular idea ormeaning. Artists are people whocreate and produce works of art as their jobs or hobbies. 可能用到的题目: The government shouldsupport artists rather than let them support themselves. “经济”定义: 版本一:An economy is thesystem according to which the money, industry, and trade of a country or regionare organized. 版本二:A country’s economy is the wealth that it gets from business and industry. 可能用到的题目: Governments shouldfocus more on preservation of environment rather than economic development. “医疗”定义: Health care is thediagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, etc. inhumans. 可能用到的题目: When in times ofeconomy crisis, government should spend less money on which part? Education,Health Care or support for unemployed? “音乐”定义: Music consists ofsounds that are put together in a pattern and performed by people either usinginstruments or singing in order to give them pleasure. 可能用到的题目: Young children (aged5-10) should be required to learn music and art in addition to math, science,history and language. “工作”定义: A job is an activityone does regularly for payment. 可能用到的题目: A secure job with lowerpay is better than a job with higher pay but easy to lose. “社会”定义: 版本一:A society is thepeople who live in a country or region, their organizations, and their way oflife. 版本二:Society is peoplein general, thought of as a large organized group. 可能用到的题目: The most importantproblems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime. “文化”定义: Culture consists of theideas, customs, and art that are produced or shared by a particular society. 可能用到的题目: Movies and TV programsproduced in our own country are more interesting than foreign ones. “环境”定义: The environment is thenatural surroundings in which people live. 可能用到的题目: Environmental issuesare too complex for individuals to deal with. “乐观”定义: Optimism is the feelingof being hopeful about the future and the belief that a particular situation orcourse of action will be successful. 可能用到的题目: Do you think success isimportant, or it is more important to remain happy and optimistic when youfail? “耐心”定义: Patience is one’s ability to control his/her feelings so that he/she does not getannoyed, even in situations which other people would find annoying orfrustrating. 可能用到的题目: Patience is usually nota good strategy. We should take action now rather than later. “交流”定义: Communication is theactivity or process of giving information to other people, using signals suchas speech, body movements, or online messages. 可能用到的题目: Communication skill isthe most important characteristic of successful leadership. “公司”定义: A company is a businessorganization that exists in order to make money by selling goods or services. 可能用到的题目: Businesses should hiretheir employees for their entire life. “广告”定义: Advertising is theactivities of showing products, events or jobs in public in order to encouragepeople to buy the products, go to the events, or apply for the jobs. 可能用到的题目: In order to succeed, acompany should invest a great amount of money in advertising. “父母”定义: Our parents are peoplewho give us life, parenting and upbringing. 可能用到的题目: Parents spend too muchtime in deciding what their children do in the future; children should maketheir own choices. “家庭教育”定义: Family education is thefirst education one receives, and in large part determines his/her charactersand capabilities. 可能用到的题目: Parents today are moreinvolved in their children’s education than in thepast. “博物馆”定义: A museum is a building wherea large number of interesting and valuable objects, such as works of art orhistorical items, are kept, studied, and displayed to the public. 可能用到的题目: Visiting museums is thebest way to learn about a country. “宠物”定义: A pet is an animal thatyou keep in your home to give you company and pleasure. |