本帖最后由 纠结的孩子 于 2012-7-26 22:07 编辑
1.Auditing & Assurance services in Australia, 4th, Grant Gay, Roger Simnett 65刀
Auditing and Assurance Handbook 2012 60刀
textbook+handbook 115刀
2. Commercial law2 (全名:commercial applications of company law, 13th edition, Pamela Hanrahan, Ian Ramsay, Geof Stapledon, 2012) 80刀 (9.9成新,附送所有tutorial标准答案。。。考试就抄这个就行,先到先得)
3.company accounting 8th, 作者:leo, hoggett, sweeting, radford 50刀 (这一版与新版无任何差异,只是chapter的序号不同而已,对于学习无任何影响。。。此书也是FA的教科书,都可以用)
financial reporting handbook 2011 40刀 textbook+handbook 80刀
4. Accounting Theory Text Books 作者:Godfrey, J., A. Hodgson, A. Tarca, J. Hamilton and S. Holmes, 7th Edition, 2010, John Wiley and Sons, Australia. 60刀
2012 Accounting Handbook Accounting Handbook 2012, Pearson, Australia (CPA Australia Accounting Handbook) 60刀
textbook+handbook 110刀
5. 阿大日语书 共4本 50刀
6. intermediate micro economics 7th 50刀, workshop 45刀, textbook+workshop 80刀 (与新版无差,附送所有资料及assignment答案)
以上均可议价,均附送资料(资料也可单买),如需其他教科书,也可告知。。。有意者联系QQ:907784105 电话:0430686278