s1 租房 ,southeast,washing machine,15 may, translator(写成er了), employer,bank statement,675,地址 axxworthtelephone, bus stop
方位是south-east,然後start day是 15 May,之前有個4月30號是陷阱,她說還要和她媽住一段才開始租。然後地址是33 Ainsworth st。然後credit check要個bank statement.最後兩個空是那個女的問裏面有沒有telephone和bus stop
s2 健身房搞宣传
s3 学生与tutor讨论一个oral history其中涉及internet的对于数据收集的好处,学生对一个足球队manager的咨询和十个队员的telephone interview然后总结出手机过程中一些问题(选项有 vague,factual,unreliable,noisy,too long,too short之类的) 选择, 配对
S4 动物睡眠和人类睡眠
S2, 日本工艺品发展史
4个完成句子,6选2,7个heading 。
S3 电动车市场营销
3个四选一(定位词不明显,用名词定位),6个词库summary ,5个Y/N/NG 没有考到的题型:填图题和短问答。
Task1 表格题,The proportion of film tickets in UK (drama, comedy, fantasy, romance) 2000-2010。
drama film release figure, 31% 2000 年, 35% 2010年, ticket sale, 12% 2000, 8% 2010, comedy, release, 25%, 27%, ticket, 也是二十多,有增长, romance, 2% 2%, 11% 14%, fantasy, 4% 4%, 5%1%0
Task2 Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?