
老外说的第一句我就没听懂,但是我以为他是问我用中文还是英语呢,也没在意,结果……阵脚大乱,于是短暂的几个回合下来,我GAME OVER !非常痛快的把我给拒了!好象领到签证的人也没有我这么痛快的!
…………(我没在意的话),之后又一句对翻译说的,之后翻译说,你的材料说你学习过英语,而且不错(天晓得他在说什么,我的材料根本没说我的英语不错,而且我又没语言成绩,连大学四级证书我都没有,所以才申请了一年语言),可是刚才VO说的话,那么简单你都没听懂(一个是我没在意,我以为他问我用什么语言签证呢,再一个原因就是外面正好有别的房间叫名字,有干扰,我也没听清他说什么),你解释一下为什么?什么是海商法(我申请的MASTER)?为什么不在国内读一个学位再出去(我是97年3年制大专毕业)?什么时候决定出去的?什么原因让你哪个时候下决定出去?资金谁提供?你的收入?回国后干什么?单位会给你多少股份(因为我上一个问题回答,我回国后,单位会吸收我为合伙人)?——我回答5%,他认为和出国比不成正比。    让我解释2003年的30多万的资金来源。可是每次刚开口准备解释,翻译就说不要这个(因为我的解释的证据和存单有近一个月的时间差距),我说了4次以后,她也不坚持了,让我说了,可是我2003年有7-8张存单,她让我说了一张以后也不让我说其他的了,就让我出去等,2分钟后把我叫进去,给了拒签信。
However , I an not satisfied ,on the balance of probabilities , that you meet the requirements of paragraph 57 ,in particular :
You are able and intend to follow the course
You are able to meet the costs of the course and maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse to employment or public funds
You propose to undertake a course at the higher educational level that will require you to be proficient in English but you have been unable to demonstrate the ability to communicate in English even at a basic level .You plan to undertake preliminary language training before your course but I am not satisfied , on the balance of probabilities , that you are able and intend to follow the course .
The course you propose to study initially is widely available in China ,leads to the same qualification at a significantly cheaper cost and you cannot satisfactorily explain why you do  not undertake the course here .
The cost of your tuition , maintenance and accommodation is to be borne primarily by you .. Funding your education will impose an additional financial burden upon you and I am not satisfied that this increased financial outlay is commensurate with your current economic circumstances and that such funds will actually be available to you in the United Kingdom .Therefore I am not satisfied , on the balance of probabilities , that you are able to meet the cost of the course and maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse to employment or public funds .
Your proposed course of study is unrealistic because it is inconsistent with you previous pattern of study /previous job experience and does not represent a progression in your education /previous employment pattern and you have not been able to give me a  credible explanation for this change of direction .
You have been  unable to satisfactorily explain how your course will be of benefit to you or enhance your future prospects  and as such I am not satisfied that the cost of these studies is proportionate to your current economic circumstances  and advantages you might derive from this course of study .

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