阅读,1 讲一种鸟, 应该是停在树上,不停在地上的原因,在东南亚流行,为什么在东南亚流行有考题,给出了三种理论解释,比如地上有天敌,树之间little connection, 还有就是树叶不能吃,所以要飞很长路。2,荷马史诗,是什么时候写的和谁写的,这题我晕了,看了好几遍,比较难。3,讲地球山脉的形成,我晕了,再一次,没做完。
听力,竹子鸡精全中。不记得了, conversation, a girl went to ask for a storage room, the other forgot, sorry.lecture, 讲那个生物仿生,蝴蝶翅膀的结构,还有就是两种形成颜色的方法。还有一片,讲风能,也是鸡精上的,说风能不稳定,需要补偿,就讲了三种补偿的方法。还有就是玛雅文化,分三个阶段,主要讲了第三个阶段, post later culture。大概内容是某个地方也是玛雅文明,属于post later这个阶段,降了一系列特征,具体,忘记了。
口语, 鸡精全中,1which is the most challenge thing for university students.2 whether going to college is necessary for success. 5 the girl finish her paper, but the professor extended the due day to tomorrow, so she could have an additional night to revise it, but she have to meet her friend tonight, so she is wondering whether she should revise it tonight. 4 猩猩拿香蕉来解释insight thought 3 the university is going to ban bike between academic building, girl opposes, first, the students are responsible, walk with bike. Second, employ campus security to watch is a waste of resource. 6 the two ways to find a place for archaeologically digging. First, surface feature, newziland, sorry forget, second, plant, sorry again. Writing, independent writing, whether the parents should help children do schoolwork. Integral writing, the decline of bisons. 二三两点鸡精酱的很清楚,但竹子小马鸡精每给第一点渊因,the first one is if the Europeans hunt bison for food, the decline of bison should start from the eastern part as the Europeans travelled from east to west. However, the decline of bison start from then west |