【转】新托福考试《听力特训》使用心得体会 (带必背词汇)

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  每篇passage,俺都至少听4遍以上。里面所有的short lecture和short dialogue,虽然语速比iBT speaking section的语速快,内容也多一点,但俺仍然全部用来做口语复述用。每个short passage,俺至少复述一遍以上。
  be backed up * continuing students * menial * pay my board * up to one's ears * alignment * fiscal * hinge on * case in point * osteoporosis * dietician * bite the bullet * libel * practice written in stone * inn * ergosterol * serotonin * colon * sclerosis * ado * sheriff * loner * spoof * against all odds * overland * all but * aboriginal * hard copy * wilderness retreat * vinyl * cladding * weather-proof * warp * tetanus * bristly * clutter * dyslexic * make allowance * ramp * Baby Buggy * stand up for * confrontational * injunction * on the ball * you're really with it today * truss * pretentious * against the grain * denounce * liven sth up * hippocampus * amygdala * pooped * hop* cauldron * catch up * recap * over one's head * orchid * coral * runaway * terrestrial * gimmick * fickle * desalinization * panoramic * scenes * dust bowl * neon * ice-rink * clay * enzymatic * lip service * strident * bear in mind * hook up * markedly * by leaps on bounds * dementia * Alzheimer's disease * cross-section * cortex * convolution * gerontology * liken * nano * take heart * stalk * boomer generation * on the flip side * swirling * geese * synergies * stratosphere * grasshopper * dispel * to name but a few * catch on * boron * titanium * sacred * disruptive * perk * hold one's back from * comfy * in a pinch of time * cybernetic * prosthetics * auditing * conjure * fluorescent * dabber * noteworthy * perennial * enamor * pastime * slant * out in left field * hypnic * myoclonia * intersperse * exclusively * groggy * sputnik * humiliated * arena * emission * ornamental * registrar * directory * refund * bursary * pneumonia * homestay * go overboard * get-up-and-go * acne * dysentery * scurvy * cholera * partitioned * grievous * cash crop * outlawing *** * phrenology * physiognomy * anatomist * benevolence * deterring * whim * hysteric * enquiry * full * in accordance with * format * try-outs * hone * lucky timing * drop-in * waive * nominal * etcetera * do laps * sort * grassroots * hamper * bonanza * propel * in droves * elusive * interlock * breadbasket * shanty * Roosevelt * mural * disuse * bustling * prophetical * city-states * full wigs * bloomer * banquet * comique * dregs of society * dialysis * donor * reveal * hypocrite * Socratic * validity * dismantle * ensuing * hoop * contentious * stupidity * demoralize * sill * frost * warmth * well-drained * stake * trellis * minute structure * alike * tenet * hold water * lipid * plasma * microbe * fight in part over sth * fiddle * filament * diode * audion * mint * threw * line-up * a set number of * statutory holidays * sound man * a faint university crest * plugged * set off * workout * inundate * label * temporal * parietal * occipital * spatial * lob * turn-about-face * campaign * salutation * via * debit * roaming * circuit * wander * an end * annual dues * tinsmiths * purposeful * call attention to ones * absolution * civilian * leave sth free * aerial * pertinent * well-off * uncaring * tying * tyranny * squalor * degradation * seeming * misery * satirical * miss the boat * cyclone * collide * funnel * vortex * once in a blue moon * subtle * outset * epistemology * go about * mourn * lament * succinct * forthcoming * run-on-sentences * merit * get a rise out of * in the dark about sth * more often than not * a far cry * widower * let the comment slide * affluent * contraceptive * onset * 30-something * sack * quota * level off * spout that * God-awful * big time * downside * sit on the fence with sth * cut and dried * in vitro * sentiment * volatile * envision * calm * openness * relinquish
  《听力特训》每篇文章后面的习题出的并不好,有很多是不符合iBT的要求,如考一些数字题、人名题(包括意大利语,俄语和法语的人名)、非常琐碎的细节题,还有ETS禁说的宗教和政治问题。还有重听题的重听内容太多,没有明确的一个比较小的重听范围,在里面就是重听一大段内容之后,问:“why does the professor say this?”,那么this到底是什么呢,就没说啦,晕死。有不少题目的选项十分的vague,模棱两可、有些答案经不起推敲,因为推敲多一点,就会意识到所谓正确的答案也不够正确。
  Clerk: ....Could you come at 5 on Thursday?
  Student: Yes, I guess so. I am finished at 3 on Thursday.
  Clerk: Well, I also have an opening at 4 on Thursday. Would you prefer that to the 5 pm.?
  Student: Yes, I think so. I wouldn't have to wait around. That sounds good. ...
  prefer that to the 5 pm中的that应该指代4 pm. 意思是:你宁愿4点来,而不是5点来,对吗?学生说对。这个看法后面还有一个验证:I wouldn't have to wait around. 就是说,5点开始的话,学生要等,4点就不用等啦。
  书后面有个real toefl test的听力模考,里面2个对话,4个lecture,我自测时34道题目里面错10个,正确率在70%左右,其中在一篇叫sociology:marriage,里面有6个题目,我错了5个!我认为这篇sociology:marriage的lecture,就文章而论,比较难,就题目而论,更难。还有一篇ETS禁止的政治文章叫international politics:empires,里面6个题目,我错2个,文章里面有大量俄国和南斯拉夫,还有阿尔巴尼亚人名,和当代政治事件,如苏联解体,科索沃战争,所以这篇文章超难,但题目不是特别难,所以错2个还不是特别糟。如果大家对自己的做题技巧和听力有足够自信的话,可以做一下,相信大家比我强!
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