[gu] GU BOOK FOR SALE/ 1001IBA+1005IBA+1006IBA

本帖最后由 HipPo_Li 于 2011-3-2 15:09 编辑

International Relations  (AUD 50)

Russell Bova, 2010, How The World Works, First Edition, Longman.

Introduction to International Business   (AUD 60)

Czinkota, Ronkainen, Moffett, Ang, Shanker, Ahmad and Lok, Fundamentals of International Business

Edition: 1st Asia-Pacific Edition (2009), John Wiley & Sons (Australia)

1006IBA Business Statistics   (AUD 50)

Selvanathan E A, S. Selvanathan and  G Keller (2007) Australian Business Statistics, Abridged, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning, Australia.

Selvanathan S and E A Selvanathan (2010) Learning Statistics and Excel in Tandem, Third Edition, Cengage Learning, Australia.


Mobile:  045 1995 411 (Lina)
  QQ:      175437766  (申明买书)


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