[英语类] 雅思写作可以很简单 -- 学员习作 1

Some people think children’s spending time on TV, video and pc games is good, while others think it is bad. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

From laptop to Ipod, children nowadays are spending more time each day on electronic entertainment of all kinds. While some people have claimed such activities could help children in a certain ways, others have insisted children should not spend too much time on watching TV or gaming. Personally, I think if adopted and adapted appropriately TV watching or gaming could help children.

No sensible personal could deny that watching too much TV or gaming would be detrimental to children. Health issue might be the scariest concern that people hold. Since spending too much time on such activities might sacrifice children’s play-time outdoors, hence, they might not have enough physical exercise and consequently their health could be undermined. One sad example can be that many children suffering from obesity are habitual to watching TV for long hours. If they could participate in more outdoor exercises then their weight might no longer be their problems.

Despite drawbacks such as the one mentioned above, the educational value of such kinds of activities could neither be denied. It could be an effective way to spur children’s learning. Due to the fact that TV programs and games could always find interesting topics to attract children, therefore, it could be used to boost children’s learning motivation. The Sesame Street has been widely used all through the world to teach children English, which could be one simple example. It has made learning English interesting and relaxing for children who do not enjoy studying a language.

To sum up, I do believe children should not indulge themselves too much in TV watching or gaming. However, I also see that these media could be used as a powerful teaching tool. Only through guiding our children in doing this wisely can TV and games bring us more pleasure rather than pressure.
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