
作文和数学的部分机经Issue:56. "Governments should focus more on solving the immediateproblems oftoday rather than trying to solve the anticipated problemsof thefuture."
4.The following was posted on an Internet real estate discussion site.
Of the two leading real estate firms in our town-Adams Realty and Fitch
Realty-Adams is clearly superior. Adams has 40 real estate agents. In
contrast, Fitch has 25, many of whom work only part-time. Moreover, Adams'
revenue last year was twice as high as that of Fitch, and included home
sales that averaged $168,000, compared to Fitch's $144,000. Homes listed
with Adams sell faster as well: ten years ago, I listed my home with Fitch
and it took more than four months to sell; last year, when I sold another
home, I listed it with Adams, and it took only one month. Thus, if you
want to sell your home quickly and at a good price, you should use Adams."
在本市的两家最大的房地产经纪公司--Adams Realty和Fitch
Realty--之中,Adams显然更优秀一些。Adams有40名房地产经纪人,而Fitch只有25个,且很多是兼职工作。而且,Adams去年的收入是Fitch的两倍,其平均房价为$168000,而Fitch仅为$144000。在Adams销售的房屋卖得也更快:十年前,我把我的房产交给 Fitch,它用了四个多月才卖出去;去年,我在Adams卖了另一处房产,仅用一个月就售出了。因此,要想让你的房产卖的更快更好,你应该选择 Adams
1.A0 A1和A2三种纸大小1189mm*841mm,     841mm*594mm,   594mm*420mm。比较大小:A0面积除以A1面积, A1面积除以A2面积  选B
2、数列a1, a2, a3...a(n)..., 已知 a1=3, a(k)=a(k-1)+4, 比较大小a20 , 79  选c
3、平行四边形周长28,四边相等,高是2,求面积大小  ~太简单了
4、还是平行四边形,相邻两边长8和10,比较大小:平行四边形面积, 70   ~~最ez的了
5、柱状图,90年和98年美国居民消费理财百分比。第一题:98年stock的比例(约23%)比98年m××的比例(约13%)高多少,选80%。二,在饼状图中表示,90年教育消费比例(约15%),占用扇形的圆心角多大, 选54度
6、比较大小:2加根号3的和的立方,除以2减根号3的和的立方,    100/9的商的6次方
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