1. Do you often visit historical sites? 2. Do many people today visit historic sites? 3. What are the different types of historic sites? 4. What kinds of historic sites are most popular for visiting in your country? 5. What is the importance of these historical places for people today? 6. What places would you recommend people visit if they want to know about the history of your city? 7. What can people learn from visiting these sites? 8. Do you think it's important to study history? (Why?/Why not?) 9. Why do some people dislike visiting historic sites? 10. Can you suggest any ways to make historic sites more attractive? 11. Do you think people should have to pay to enter these historic sites?以上是笨鸟雅思小编整理的雅思口语考试历年考过的话题,更多雅思备考资料请进入笨鸟雅思官网,更有雅思口语APP在线练习,让你拥有地道的口语,考雅思,留学出国轻轻松松。快来下载吧!笨鸟雅思口语APP下载(点击)。 雅思学习相关推荐: 雅思报名官网www.benniaoyasi.com 雅思考试时间表 北京雅思培训咨询,欢迎拨打免费热线:400-8787-276 更多信息请关注笨鸟雅思新浪微博 笨鸟雅思口语APP(点击下载)正式上线啦..... |