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被遗忘的房子 原创 lfvisas
被遗忘的房子 移民资讯: 近日关于美国移民局发出的二则备忘录内容(详见附录),引起了广大移民申请人和美国签证持有人的广泛关注,这两则备忘录的内容分别是:1,关于某些移民补件(RFE)和意向性否决(NOID)的政策更新;2,关于美国移民局发布上庭通知指导美国国土安全部执行的政策更新;
首先,因为不明所以,这些消息对于申请人来说可能是恐慌的,不明所以害怕,看明白了心里就不慌了。所以资深移民行业自媒体人,新浪博客 被遗忘的房子 为大家做一个简单的移民术语解释,然后再具体分析:
1.涉嫌国家安全的案件:这些案件包括并不限于恐怖行为,间谍活动,阴谋颠覆政府等行为。如果美国移民官相信外国人在美国存在其他可能危及美国国家安全行为的,也可以发给出庭通知书,让移民法庭法官裁决。2.法律或法条规定案件,美国移民法规规定必须发给出庭通知书的案件包括:(1)以婚姻为基础的临时绿卡申请转正式绿卡被拒的案件;(2)政治庇护申请失败被终止或终止暂缓驱逐出境的案件;(3)未能让移民官确信回国会受到迫害(多用于政治庇护申请)的案件;(4)尼加拉瓜和中美洲救援法申请失败的案件;(5)尼加拉瓜和中美洲救援法前期申请成功但被认可不符合取消被驱逐出境条件的案件; (6)那些失去临时保护令保护而没有其他合法身份的外国人。3.涉嫌欺诈,误导和滥用公共福利的案件4.涉嫌刑事案件的案件5.签证逾期,外国人在美国没有合法身份的情况6.入籍申请被拒的案件
移民补件(RFE)和意向性否决(NOID)是什么?答:所谓移民补件,全称,即要求补充证据,是美国移民官员向申请人发出的针对移民申请中所涉及的不清楚的问题要求申请人在限定时间内补充要求的资料。 如果发现申请材料不符合批准要求(对细节有疑问,材料不全,甚至材料看起来不合格等),往往对申请人发出补件信的通知(RFE),规定一个回复期限,给申请人一个补充材料或解释的机会。 对申请材料条件看起来很差的申请,也会先发出一个意向拒绝通知(NOID),也给申请人一个补充材料或解释说明的机会,很少直接发出拒绝申请的通知书。
这两个备忘录的移民政策可以总结为以下几点:1,关于不发出RFE和NOID直接拒绝的适用情形:applies to all applications, petitions, and requests, except for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) adjudications, received after that date。即除过DACA(追梦人)的案子外,所有的申请,请愿和要求,美国移民局官员在材料不齐全的情况下都可以不经发出补件通知和意向性否决,而直接给出拒绝,适用于所有移民或非移民申请,请愿和请求。
财瑛移民 政策分析: 资深 移民行业自媒体人,新浪认证博主:被遗忘的房子 认为:移民申请人不要对这个政策因为不明白所以产生不必要的恐惧,不排除申请人看到有些内容是对该政策的曲解或者过分解读,因为一个政策出台肯定对于事件双方都有利弊,这些利弊表现在:
被遗忘的房子 温馨提示 被遗忘的房子专注美国EB2移民,美国EB3移民,目前美国现行移民政策中的职业移民,即Employment-Based,EB类移民是美国经济发展额首要移民项目,EB5为美国带来资金,EB1移民,EB2移民,EB3移民,EB4移民为美国带来各种人才和劳动力。
在美国EB5移民面临排期问题,美国EB1移民面临严苛审核的情况下,高学历申请人选择申请美国EB2移民advance degree类或者虽然您不具有硕士学位但是您具有本科学位加上专业的工作经验也是可以从美国EB3移民的professional & skilled workers类别去考虑移民美国。
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附录:政策一:USCIS Updates Policy Guidance for Certain Requests for Evidence and Notices of Intent to DenyWASHINGTON - U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today posted a policy memorandum (PDF, 113 KB) (PM) that provides guidance to USCIS adjudicators regarding their discretion to deny an application, petition, or request without first issuing a Request for Evidence (RFE) or Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID) when required initial evidence was not submitted or the evidence of record fails to establish eligibility.
This updated guidance is effective September 11, 2018 and applies to all applications, petitions, and requests, except for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) adjudications, received after that date. Due to preliminary injunctions issued by courts in California and New York, this new PM does not change the RFE and NOID policies and practices that apply to the adjudication of DACA requests.“For too long, our immigration system has been bogged down with frivolous or meritless claims that slow down processing for everyone, including legitimate petitioners. Through this long overdue policy change, USCIS is restoring full discretion to our immigration officers to deny incomplete and ineligible applications and petitions submitted for immigration benefits,” said USCIS Director L. Francis Cissna. “Doing so will discourage frivolous filings and skeletal applications used to game the system, ensure our resources are not wasted, and ultimately improve our agency’s ability to efficiently and fairly adjudicate requests for immigration benefits in full accordance with our laws.” The 2013 PM addressed policies for the issuance of RFEs and NOIDs when the evidence submitted at the time of filing did not establish eligibility. In practice, the 2013 PM limited denials without RFEs or NOIDs to statutory denials by providing that RFEs should be issued unless there was “no possibility” of approval. This “no possibility” policy limited the application of an adjudicator’s discretion.The policy implemented in this guidance restores to the adjudicator full discretion to deny applications, petitions, and requests without first issuing an RFE or a NOID, when appropriate. This policy is intended to discourage frivolous or substantially incomplete filings used as “placeholder” filings and encourage applicants, petitioners, and requestors to be diligent in collecting and submitting required evidence. USCIS will continue issuing statutory denials when appropriate without first issuing an RFE or NOID when the applicant, petitioner, or requestor has no legal basis for the benefit/request sought, or submits a request for a benefit or relief under a program that has been terminated.
If all required initial evidence is not submitted with the benefit request, USCIS, in its discretion, may deny the benefit request for failure to establish eligibility based on lack of required initial evidence. Examples of filings that may be denied without sending an RFE or NOID include, but are not limited to: Waiver applications submitted with little to no supporting evidence; orCases where the regulations, the statute, or form instructions require the submission of an official document or other form of evidence establishing eligibility at the time of filing and there is no such submission. For example, an Affidavit of Support (Form I-864), if required, was not submitted with an Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form I-485).
This PM updates Chapters 10.5(a) and 10.5(b) of the USCIS Adjudicator’s Field Manual and contains an “additional considerations” section. The policy in this “additional considerations” section is not new, and is nearly identical to the policy contained in the superseded 2013 PM. For more information on USCIS and its programs, please visit uscis.gov or follow us on Twitter (@uscis), Instagram (/uscis), YouTube (/uscis), and Facebook (/uscis).Last Reviewed/Updated: 07/13/2018
政策二:USCIS Updates Notice to Appear Policy Guidance to Support DHS Enforcement Priorities
WASHINGTON — U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services issued updated guidance (PDF, 140 KB) today that aligns its policy for issuing Form I-862, Notice to Appear, with the immigration enforcement priorities of the Department of Homeland Security.
A Notice to Appear (NTA) is a document given to an alien that instructs them to appear before an immigration judge on a certain date. The issuance of an NTA commences removal proceedings against the alien. Under the new guidance, USCIS officers will now issue an NTA for a wider range of cases where the individual is removable and there is evidence of fraud, criminal activity, or where an applicant is denied an immigration benefit and is unlawfully present in the United States.“For too long, USCIS officers uncovering instances of fraudulent or criminal activity have been limited in their ability to help ensure U.S. immigration laws are faithfully executed. This updated policy equips USCIS officers with clear guidance they need and deserve to support the enforcement priorities established by the president, keep our communities safe, and protect the integrity of our immigration system from those seeking to exploit it,” said USCIS Director L. Francis Cissna.Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients and requestors are exempted from this updated guidance when: (1) processing an initial or renewal DACA request or DACA-related benefit request; or (2) processing a DACA recipient for possible termination of DACA. As explained in the concurrently issued DACA-specific guidance, USCIS will continue to apply the 2011 NTA guidance (PDF, 77 KB) to these cases. USCIS will also continue to follow the existing DACA information-sharing policy regarding any information provided by a DACA requestor in a DACA request or DACA-related benefit request.USCIS, along with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), has legal authority under current immigration laws to issue NTAs. This Policy Memorandum updates the guidelines USCIS officers use to determine when to refer a case to ICE or to issue an NTA. The revised policy generally requires USCIS to issue an NTA in the following categories of cases in which the individual is removable:Cases where fraud or misrepresentation is substantiated, and/or where an applicant abused any program related to the receipt of public benefits. USCIS will issue an NTA even if the case is denied for reasons other than fraud.Criminal cases where an applicant is convicted of or charged with a criminal offense, or has committed acts that are chargeable as a criminal offense, even if the criminal conduct was not the basis for the denial or the ground of removability. USCIS may refer cases involving serious criminal activity to ICE before adjudication of an immigration benefit request pending before USCIS without issuing an NTA.Cases in which USCIS denies a Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, on good moral character grounds because of a criminal offense.Cases in which, upon the denial of an application or petition, an applicant is unlawfully present in the United States.
The revised policy does not change the USCIS policy for issuing an NTA in the following categories:Cases involving national security concerns;Cases where issuing an NTA is required by statute or regulation;Temporary Protected Status (TPS) cases, except where, after applying TPS regulatory provisions, a TPS denial or withdrawal results in an individual having no other lawful immigration status;DACA recipients and requestors when: (1) processing an initial or renewal DACA request or DACA-related benefit request; or (2) processing a DACA recipient for possible termination of DACA.
Under separate policy guidance (PDF, 77 KB) issued concurrently, USCIS officers will continue to apply PM 602-0050, Revised Guidance for the Referral of Cases and Issuance of Notices to Appear (PDF, 77 KB) (NTAs) in Cases Involving Inadmissible and Removable Aliens, dated November 7, 2011, to the issuance of NTAs and Referrals to ICE for DACA recipients and requestors.Interim and final policy memos are official USCIS policy documents and are effective the date the memos are issued.For more information on USCIS and our programs, please visit uscis.gov or follow us on Twitter (@uscis), YouTube (/uscis), Facebook (/uscis), and Instagram (@USCIS).Last Reviewed/Updated: 07/05/2018 |