Biden faces' Long American winter '

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Winter has come, the trees have lost their leaves, and President Joe Biden is disillusioned. For the US, the outlook is bleak at both international and domestic levels: severe consequences from climate disasters, a growing political and military threat from Russia in Europe, and fierce competition from China in the east. At home, the United States faces a serious weakening of its political system.
Hawks in both parties accused Biden of compromising on Russia. First, they want Washington to intervene with decisive military aid. Then they were convinced that if the United States threatened military intervention, Mr. Putin would back off. Republicans, however, are not as vocal as they used to be, with memories of Mr. Trump's controversial ties to Russia.
After the disastrous drawdown in Afghanistan, all opinion polls suggest that American society will never again support a new military intervention abroad that could turn into a serious international conflict.
Putin is testing the strength and resolve of his American and European adversaries. Although various possibilities cannot be ruled out, the current situation is less about military invasion of Ukraine and more about exerting influence on the stability of Kiev's rule.
Mr. Biden's response was twofold: On the one hand, he threatened Russia with a full range of economic and political sanctions at the United States' disposal, even blocking its access to the international financial system. Sanctions would seriously affect the Russian economy. On the other hand, the United States will have to find ways to defend Ukraine's independence while taking care not to completely antagonize Russia.
The United States may hold off on providing further arms to Ukraine, but it will not in any way guarantee that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO or the European Union. Perhaps America could assuage Russian military concerns by negotiating a new agreement on strategic and conventional forces.以上翻译结果来自有道神经网络翻译(YNMT)· 通用场景

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