[贷款服务] Vision Accounting Firm 会计培训,实习; 会计服务;购房银行贷款

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Hi all,

How have you been? Hope you all are well.

Just a quick email to share some interview feedback with you all. Hope you can learn from others’ experience.

A couple of our trainees have been through the technical tests during the interview with the direct employer recently. Unfortunately, we didn’t perform very well. Again, it approved that techniques are really basic for your job hunting.

Here are some technical questions, please check if you come across those ones, you can secure the position or not.

When you received tax inv, what do you need to do firstly?
Before you process tax inv in system for payment, what you need to do?  

Customer purchases goods from your company and the total amount is $1000 + $100 GST. But your company wouldn’t provide credit sale in total, so the customer need to pay 30% deposit on the spot, GST applied. What‘s the journal?
After the goods been delivered, issue the inv to customer. But customer agrees to pay 3% surcharge for Amex payment. What’s journal?
Scenario one: Customer paid by Amex for the outstanding amount and actually Amex charge you 7% on top of the total amount customer paid. What’s the journal?
Scenario two: Customer is not capable to pay you. You need to write down bad debt for the outstanding amount. What’s the journal?

Pivotable, vlookup and other general functions have been asked during interviews.

You also need to prepare the following popular behaviour questions. Prepare 5-6 stories to back up those behaviour questions.
How to handle difficulties during work?
How to meet deadline?
How to handle pressure from work?
How to prioritize your work?
How to organize your time?
If your manager/colleagues have been difficult, how you deal with the situation?
How you deal with the situation when you made mistakes during work?
How you solve the problems coming up in working?
What’s your strength and weakness?
What’s your achievement in your job?

When the interviewers phone you for a face to face interview, even they want to send you confirmation letter of the interview, please remember to try to get the name and phone No. of the person you talk with. Just say “can I get your name and phone No now? Just in case there is any misunderstanding I can still contact you.” Also if you are not sure about what’s the interview for, you can ask the job description. You probably can say “if it’s not too much trouble, can you please attach the job description with the email. I am really intended to prepare the interview well before I go”. It’s been a couple of times that trainees haven’t received any thing after the phone or they got no idea what the position is. You probably will cry for that.

Anyway, I am off for my lunch now. Hope you all have a good time for the rest of your week.


amoooo 发表于 2012-2-20 10:45
这个课程是全实践课吗?level 1比如如何操作公司里具体的AR,AP,BOOKKEEPING等,在哪里上课?怎么收费的?什 ...

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crystal-jj 发表于 2012-3-10 20:06

If you would like to know more about the detail, please call Rachel on 0451 944 868. Thanks.
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Hi all,
How are you? Hope you are well.
Just a quick update about the interviews.
As you may notice, recently the positions advertised are not that many. However, a couple of our trainees still consistently secured face to face interviews opportunities from both recruitment agents and direct employers. You do need to continuously apply for jobs even though you have received hundreds of rejections.
Another thing is, are you ready for the interviews? I found not many trainees actually did the practice after the training and not even seriously prepare their resumes. I am sorry to say, please do not waste your money. I suppose $1500 is not really a small amount for all of us.
A couple of trainees have got technical tests again during interviews. I actually think it’s easy way of interview as there is no personal emotion involved. You have solid skills, you get it. Straight forward.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I look forward to hearing from you all.

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The new round of training session will be commenced on 2nd of April (Monday). Welcome to book a seat for trail class. The seats are limited, so hurry up!
no graduates will get the job by taking this course ,trust me guys.
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本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2012-3-28 21:31 编辑
ambledream 发表于 2012-3-28 18:52
no graduates will get the job by taking this course ,trust me guys.

Ok, 90% of the trainees are graduates. I wouldn't say 100% of them have got jobs after the course as you need to go through face to face interviews. But you probably have been through the situation, as graduates, especially international graduates, without any practical skills quote in your resume, you would not received any response at all from the employers except rejection letters.
From the experience of those fresh graduates who have already secured their first accounting role, trust me guys, you can choose to give it go.
The reason we provide trail class is to dispel any concerns about the training course. If you are not happy, don’t pay. Simple, right?
I don’t know why you made the commands?   Have you got any bad experience? With Vision accounting? I don’t think so as my students are my friends. If other trainees can get jobs through the course but you cannot, think twice, what’s your weakness?
It’s not easy for job hunting for any one. It’s more difficult for grads. The course can make it easier, that’s all. At this stage, in this country, who can promise you a job?
Spending more time on reading our testimonials, you probably can learn some from others successful experience or failure . It doesn’t matter, if you enroll the course or not. I am happy if anything from Vision can help you out for your job hunting. If you are working in accounting area, it’s more helpful if you can share your accounting working experience with grads.
No pain, no gain.

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Hello all,
Hope you all had a lovely holiday!
Good news from one of our trainees, Shereen successfully secure an AP officer position in a large manufacturing company. It’s not a bad start as her first accounting role.
She only took two interviews exactly after she finished the course. Well done. Shereen and I went through the job requirements. Even the title is AP officer but actually the job requires assisting in month end. That’s the reason I recommend trainees to attend both bookkeeping and assistant accountant levels.
From her feedback, both of the interviews were really casual. There were no technical tests. With direct employer, it’s a bit hard to forecast the format of interviews. However, please do not think she got it only because she is lucky. Shereen’s communication skills are impressive. She is type of girl who is comfortable to talk with and mature. Those features are important to be successful in interviews.
Here is some experience for your resume preparation as well. Please try not to quote experience in hospitality industry on your resume. Usually, it doesn’t help for applying accounting positions. Unless, it’s something you can prove your skills and profile. For example, cash reconciliation daily, answering customer enquiries or handling customer complaints. And you need to have practical stories to back up. Just in case, you are asked during interviews. I would not provide stories for you personally. Like Shereen, after she deleted her experience as waitress, she got interview opportunities.
Thanks for her feedback and also please join me in wishing her all the best with her career.

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Hi all,
Please join me in congratulating Echo successfully secured a bookkeeper position.
She has started the job this week.
The interview was about technical test only. She was required to process a couple tax invoices in MYOB. Obviously, she did well to secure the job.
Actually, another trainee Vivian went through an interview and was tested processing tax invoices in MYOB as well.
I have to repeat it again, technical skills are important.
Wish Echo all the best.
Hope you all have a nice day.
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Hi all,
How is your job hunting?
Vision Accounting has supported lots of our trainees successfully secured their first accounting job. If you are struggling to get interview opportunities and find your ideal accounting job, please check the accounting training course with Vision Accounting.
The new round of accounting practical skills training will be available in two weeks. Please do not hesitate to contact me for more details.
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