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标题: Cityunitsecondroomforfemalewanted$140 [打印本页]

作者: nazcayhy    时间: 2015-2-20 13:33
标题: Cityunitsecondroomforfemalewanted$140
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club lodge 29 george st Brisbane city.
This room would be suitable for Asian girl
2room 2 bath unit. That  has a pool and sauna.
Close to
3 minute walk to casino and myer centre.
Just In front of QUT
the charge
second  room for female(each $ 140/w) share charge..
2 weeks deposit, 2 weeks advance.

The room
This second room is shared with 2  woman.
and would be suitable for Asian girl
The room has two stories bed, cloth hanger and drawer. Desk.

The people
The home will be shared with 7 people at master room 3, second 2 and 2 livingroom

share charge including all bills, unlimited wireless internet adsl2+ andlaundry detergent
Please contact me on the mobile number provided if you have anyfurther questions or would like to inspect the room.
0437 397 899

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