11. 资信证明以及银行明细Bank Credit Certificate,Account Bill
12. 房产证Property Ownership Certificate
13. 父母在职及收入证明Working and Income Certificate of parents
14. 独生子女证One-child proof
15. 全家照Pictures of our family 邀请人信息Inviter Information
1. 邀请信Invitation Letter
2. 给VO的信Letter for VO
3. 与邀请人合照Photos with the inviter
4. 护照复印件以及美国签证页复印件Copies of Passport and American Visa
5. ds-2019复印件ds-2019 copy
6. 美国银行账单Bill of Bank of America
7. 学校录取通知书复印件Copy of University Offer
8. 学生ID,驾照,银行卡复印件Copies of Student ID,Drive License
9. 在校证明Confirmation letter
10. 银行存款Held in deposits