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标题: 单选题详解!低估单选题,阅读65分可没保障! [打印本页]

作者: 雀斑1992    时间: 2017-5-3 19:58
标题: 单选题详解!低估单选题,阅读65分可没保障!
?Almost all students are motivated in one way or another. One student may be keenly interested in classroom subjects and purposely look for information and challenging coursework. Another student may be more concerned with the social side of school, socialising with classmates frequently and attending after-school activities almost every day. Motivation is important in education because it has several effects on students’ learning and behaviour. It encourages students to work towards a particular goal, increases the amount of effort and energy the student invests, makes students more likely to begin and continue with activities, affects cognitive processes and decides which consequences are rewarding or punishing. Because of these issues just identified, motivation produces improved performance.
By writing this article, the writer wants to show that:A. Students generally show less motivation than they should.B. Ways of increasing student motivation have been used well.C. The effects of student motivation can be seen in positive results.D. Some students use their motivation in ways that waste time.
解题思路:?如何在2分钟内尽可能有效的使用时间?我们来看一下解题思路流程:? 首先,需要读题。
读题非常关键,知道题目在问什么,我们才能有选择性地去判断自己该去读的内容。在这里,题目中问的是:the writer wants to show that... 这是一个典型的主旨题,问的是文章的主要大意。换言之在读取文章的内容时,我们需要快速地跳过一切解释,举例,分析之类的内容。我们只需要看最后的观点,所以细节的部分,能省则省了吧。
? 第二步,根据题目读文章。

?这里我们用红色标记了3个解释类的词语。稍微分析一下:one/another student 是典型地举例用法,目的是分析不同的学生的兴趣爱好;it encourages这句话是一个分析,指代词it将上一句话的内容进行展开并详细说明。这三句话在看到的时候都可以选择性地跳过,直接读下一句就好。那么剩下的3句话呢?其实也并不是都要去读的。一般我们可以把句子中的程度修饰大量地简化,并且在因果句中,一般保留结论就好。所以剩下的内容就是:
- Almost all students are motivated in one way or another. - Motivation is important in education because it has several effects on students’ learning and behaviour. - Because of these issues just identified, motivation produces improved performance.
所以全文的主旨大致三条:1. 每个学生都会有学习的动力(motivation)2. 这个动力很重要(in education)3. 动力使得我们做的更好(improved performance)这里我们不难看出,这其实是一条很缜密地逻辑线,大致解释了动力对学业的作用(effect)。是一个正面的,褒义的论证。
? 最后,我们再对照选项。A. Students generally show less motivation than they should.这是一个明显的贬义句(less motivation),不符合原文的方向。
B. Ways of increasing student motivation have been used well.这里提出的是ways,说的是具体的方法(solution)。不属于之前三句的内容。
C. The effects of student motivation can be seen in positive results.Effects是核心判断。另外这句话中提到了positive results,也就相当于原文的improved performance,因此是正确答案
D. Some students use their motivation in ways that waste time.看到waste time的部分,就不难发现这依然是一个贬义的内容,不符合原文的方向。Key Vocabulary?? 65分基本词汇- consequence n. 后果;结果- encourage vt. 鼓励;激励- frequently adv. 频繁地- goal        n. 目标- identified        adj. 被识别的;经鉴定的- be concerned with        参与;关心;涉及- improved performance 更好的表现- classroom behaviour 课堂上(遵守纪律,认真听讲之类)的行为- attending after-school activities 参与课后的活动- challenging coursework        有挑战(一定难度)的作业
? 79分进阶词汇- motivation n. 动力;积极性- cognitive adj. (心理学)认知的- invest vt. 投入- keenly adv.强烈地- punishing adj. 惩罚的- rewarding adj. 奖励的- purposely adv. 有意识地- socialising n. 社交,交际*注意该词汇表中的解释仅对应这篇阅读中的文字。英语词汇有许多一词多义,千万不可以死记硬背。

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