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标题: 海航集团2016年国际招聘项目 [打印本页]

作者: zhiyinhaiwai15    时间: 2016-9-19 19:04
标题: 海航集团2016年国际招聘项目
HNA Group 2016International Talent ProgramOur HNA, Your World海航集团2016年国际招聘项目海航,你的世界 n  HNA GroupOverview海航集团概述 In 2015, HNA Grouplanded for the first time on the Global Fortune 500, ranking #464. This YearHNA Group now ranks at #353 climbing 111 positions in just one year!2015年,海航集团首次登榜《财富》世界500强,位列第464位。2016年,海航集团再度荣膺2016《财富》世界500强,位列第353位,排名较上年上升111名。 HNA Group is one of thefastest growing multinational corporations. Since its first flight in 1993,over the past 20 years, HNA has successfully transformed itself from atraditional aviation company into a multi-industry giant and has developed itsbusiness, initially against the backdrop of China’s reform period, from HainanProvince to the whole of China and now to the rest of the world. 海航集团是在中国改革开放的时代背景下快速成长起来的大型跨国企业集团。1993年5月2日,以成功首航为起始,海航以崭新的形象驰骋于天地之间。海航集团用了20多年的时间创造了商业史上的奇迹,成功实现了从传统航空企业向巨型企业集团的转型,从偏居一隅的海南岛走向全国、走向世界。Through optimalallocation of industry resources, HNA Group has built a new business modelstructured on the three pillars of air travel, logistics and financial servicesall aimed at promoting smooth travel, smooth freighting and modern concepts ofconsumption. HNA Group is composed of five sub groups: Tourism, Holdings, Capital,Logistics, and Eco-technology. 20年间,海航集团通过产业间的资源优化配置,构筑起以航空旅游、现代物流和现代金融服务为三大支柱,实现“人畅其行,物畅其流,促进国民消费观念改变”。目前,海航集团旗下有五大产业板块:海航旅业、海航实业、海航资本、海以及海航生态科技。 n  Overseastalent recruitment – American海外人才招聘会-美国站 In order to develop the American talent market, HNA job fairregistration channel is now officially opened.The job fair will be held inthree schools (Northwestern University,The University of Southern California,TheUniversity of Minnesota, USA) and the occupation we offered covers alldepartments of HNA.为了进一步开拓美国人才市场,海航集团海外高校人才招聘会报名通道现已正式开启。海航集团将于2016 年 10 月下旬在美国举办专场招聘会,此次招聘会将在三个学校(美国西北大学、美国南加州大学、美国明尼苏达大学)分别举办,此次招聘会职位涵盖海航集团各部门。借此机会,为广大留美华人献上一场招聘盛宴。 The University of SouthernCalifornia   October 16NorthwesternUniversity                October 21The University of Minnesota             October南加州大学   10 月 16日       海航集团海外高校人才招聘会西北大学     10 月 21日       海航集团海外高校人才招聘会明尼苏达大学 10 月底         海航集团海外高校人才招聘会 n  ITPRequirementsITP项目岗位要求? Educational Experience: Chinese students or foreign studentsgraduated from universities in the United States by the end of2017,bachelor or above.?   2017 年年底之前在美国高校毕业的本科以上学历的中国留学生或外籍学生。? Language Level: Be familiar with English writing,listening,readingand Speaking.?  英语要求:具备英文听说读写能力、或者母语为英语的外籍人士? Majors: Internationaltrade and business, business management, human resource management, informationtechnology, marketing, business administration and information technology,business, accounting, financial services, accounting, economics, internationalbusiness financial investment system of human resource management of archivesinformation marketing risk management and insurance (property) of real estatemanagement and urban land economics, journalism and communication, sociology,psychology, law, economics, IT related, tax management, electronic information,communication, information technology, import and export, senior strategicplanning, brand, product design and planning.? 专业:国际贸易与商务、商务管理、人力资源管理、商务信息技术、市场营销、行政与信息技术、商务会计、金融服务、会计、经济学、国际商务金融投资档案信息系统人力资源管理市场营销风险管理与保险房地产(物业)管理及城市土地经济学、新闻传播学、社会学、心理学、法学、经济学、IT相关、税务管理、电子信息、通信、信息技术、进出口、战略高级规划、品牌、产品设计与规划、银行。 ? Merit worthy qualifications: ü Honor student, scholarship recipient or equivalent,participant/winner of school competition, major recognition or equivalent.ü Multilingual skills.ü Wide international perspective.ü Served as a member of a student union or student organizationü Internship experience at a Fortune 500 company. Application Address:Send your resume [email protected];The consultant WeChat:648093948English resume naming format: name - school - professional;English resume naming format: Name - School - running报名方式:简历投递/咨询报名:[email protected];咨询顾问微信:648093948中文简历命名格式:姓名-学校-专业;英文简历命名格式:Name-School-Course n  InternationalTalent Program (ITP)OverviewITP项目概述In order to accelerateHNA Group’s internationalization process, and provide persistent support forits multinational strategic layout, HNA Group is now hiring for high potentialinternational talent. Ideal candidates with overall quality possess excellentEnglish language skills, a global scope and outstanding cultivation potential.HNA Group’s ITP will provide an 18-to-24-month globally based, diversified andprofessional talent development system as well as a competitive remunerationpackage, along with a comprehensive range of benefits. 为配合集团全球战略布局,进一步推进国际化步伐,2016年,海航集团在全球范围内开展ITP国际化人才引进项目,招募具备良好英语能力、扎实专业知识、广阔国际视野、卓越素质潜力的国际化应届毕业生。海航集团将为其提供为期18-24个月的全球化、专业化私人定制培养项目以及极具竞争力的薪酬福利水平,部分优秀人才将有机会赴海外办事处工作。 n  ITP TrainingProcessITP项目培养方案?  Initial 6-month Induction Period: Working alongsidementors, you will receive first-hand training while performing regular dutiesand familiarizing yourself with the company and the industry.?  12-to-18-month Rotation Period: As a well trained staff member, you will beworking on rotations throughout key business areas within the group and receivingprofessional training. ?  Final Assessment:Before your next career advancement within the multinational, yourperformance will be assessed based on your individual ITP career developmentplan and a comprehensive evaluation by your mentors and managers.?  学习成长期(6个月):在业务导师、HR导师共同指导下开展工作,快速融入企业,完成角色转换。?  轮岗实践期(12-18个月):根据个人意愿、导师评价及考核成绩,开展轮岗交流,同步进行国际化、系统化课程培养。?  考核定岗:ITP人才将每半年接受一次考核,培养期结束前,针对个人职业规划、导师评价及历次考核成绩,进行定岗。 n  ITPDepartment CategoriesITP项目岗位方向? Investment? Marketing? Branding? Finance? Strategy? HR? Administration? Legal? IT Development andManagement?  金融投资?  市场品牌?  财务管理?  战略规划?  人资行政?  审计法务?  IT开发管理   n  ITP PackageITP项目优势?  A ContinuallyRising Enterprise: You will be working in a Fortune 500 enterprise within anenergetic and positive work environment with continuous growth.?  A GlobalIndustrial Chain: Both across China and overseas, this group operates businessin the fields of aviation, real estate, hospitality, capital investments,tourism, finance, logistics, shipbuilding and eco-technology.?  ASystematized Training Program: You will be cooperating with well-knownuniversities receiving professional training, tutorials, workshops, research,business visits, etc.?  A SmoothPromotion Channel: Focusing on talent cultivation and personal aptitude, HNAGroup continues to value young bright talent with the average age of currentmanagement being 35-40.?  SpecialBenefits: Discounted flight tickets, hotels, travel packages etc.?  持续上升型团队:置身世界500强企业,感受积极向上工作氛围。?  全球化产业布局:航空、实业、旅游、资本、物流、生态科技等产业板块布局全球,了解多种业务运作模式。?  系统的培养方式:与全球顶尖院校建立合作,采用导师制、专题研讨会、课题研究、商务拜访等方式进行培养。?  通畅的晋升通道:注重青年人才培养,根据个人职业规划,私人定制培养路径,管理团队平均年龄35-40岁。?  特殊的福利方案:包含打折机票、酒店、旅行套餐等福利方案。 n  ITP LocationITP项目工作地点?  Depending onpreference, specific skill sets and necessity ITP talent will begin theirprograms in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong or Haikou and will have the potentialto move to other core business both throughout China and internationally.?  根据企业需求及个人意愿,首次轮岗地点将为北京、上海、香港、海口等地,后续将有机会在全国及世界范围内工作。 欢迎大家积极踊跃投递(中文&英文)简历,收到简历后我们的海外招聘专员会第一时间安排接下来的招聘流程,谢谢!

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