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标题: HNA Group 2016 International Talent Program [打印本页]

作者: 智引海外123    时间: 2016-10-7 20:27
标题: HNA Group 2016 International Talent Program
本帖最后由 智引海外123 于 2016/10/10 19:52 编辑
HNAGroup 2016 International Talent Program- Our HNA, Your World –

海航集团是在中国改革开放的时代背景下快速成长起来的大型跨国企业集团。1993年5月2日,以成功首航为起始,海航以崭新的形象驰骋于天地之间。海航集团用了20多年的时间创造了商业史上的奇迹,成功实现了从传统航空企业向巨型企业集团的转型,从偏居一隅的海南岛走向全国、走向世界。海航通过持之以恒的努力,致力于塑造新时期的商业文明,创立了独特的经营和管控机制,把社会、他人、自身利益融为一体,创造了以中华传统优秀文化为底蕴的崭新管理模式,使中国特色的社会主义价值观和世界级企业的管理制度融为一体,确立了中西合璧的普适性企业文化。自1993年创业至今,海航集团已历经20余年的发展。20多年来,伴随着我国改革开放的时代大潮,海航逐渐发展壮大,从单一的地方航空运输企业发展成为以航空、实业、旅游、资本、物流、生态科技为支柱的大型企业集团,业务版图从南海明珠初步发展到全球布局,总资产逾6000亿元,参控股上市公司12家,2015年实现收入近1900亿元,为社会提供就业岗位近20万个。经过20多年的艰苦创业, 2016年7月,海航集团再度荣膺2016《财富》世界500强,以营业收入295.6亿美元,位列第353位,排名较上年上升111名。ScheduleRecruitmentAlong the EastAmerica1.Oct.17th—Oct.18th      NewYork University2.Oct.19th—Oct.21th      ColumbiaUniversity3.Oct.24th—Oct.25th      CornellUniversity4.Oct.27th—Oct.28th      Harvard UniversityRecruitment Along the West America1.Oct.18th—Oct.19th       Universityof SouthernCalifornia2.Oct.21th—Oct.22th       Universityof Minnesota,Twin Cities3.Oct.24th—Oct.25th       NorthwesternUniversityRecruitmentAlong the UK1.Nov.17th—Nov.19th      TheLondon School of Economics and Political Science2.Nov.21th—Nov.22th      TheUniversity of Edinburgh3.Nov.24th—Nov.25th      The University of Manchester
Application Address:
Chinese resumenaming format: Name - School - Major;
English resumenaming format: Name - School - Major
The EastAmerica
Send yourresume to [url=][email protected]
TheWest America
Send yourresume to [url=][email protected]
The UK
Send yourresume to [url=][email protected]
Wechat: 425887720or 648093948      Watchword:HNA-USA or HNA-UK
HNA GroupOverviewHNAGroup is one of the fastest growing multinational corporations. Since its firstflight in 1993, over the past 20 years, HNA has successfully transformed itselffrom a traditional aviation company into a multi-industry giant and hasdeveloped its business, initially against the backdrop of China’s reform period,from Hainan Province to the whole of China and now to the rest of the world.
In 2015, HNA Group landed for the first time on the Global Fortune500, ranking #464. This Year HNA Group now ranks at #353 climbing 111 positionsin just one year!
HNA Businesses
Through optimal allocation of industry resources, HNA Group hasbuilt a new business model structured on the three pillars of air travel,logistics and financial services all aimed at promoting smooth travel, smoothfreighting and modern concepts of consumption. HNA Group is composed of fivesub groups: Tourism, Holdings, Capital, Logistics, and EcoTech.

HNA Tourism
HNA Tourism is the onlytourism group in China integrating aviation, tourism, hospitality, finance aswell as online services. Promising to realize customers’ dreams to discover theworld by offering seamless travel and one-stop aviation services by integratingother ancillary services such as maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO), generalaviation, ground support and air logistics. HNA Tourism strives to become a world-renownedtop global aviation and tourism business both in terms of size and quality ofservice.
Total assets of over $51 billion
Operating over 820 airplanes, 450 hotels and 200 travel agencies
Covering a flight network of over 850 international and domestic airroutes connecting over 200 cities
Carrying over 77 million passengers annually
Over 8.7 million consecutive safe flight hours

HNA Holding
HNA Holding devotes toforging an industrial finance and investment stake-holding group with HNA Infrastructureand CCOOP as itscore business formats, and HNA Financial Group as theirinvestment and financing platform.
Total assets of over $40 billion
Managing 6 listed companies, along with managing operations andco-operation of 13 airports and more than 250 commercial outlets
Over 40,000 employees
Over 4,900 acres (20 sqkm)of existing land reserved for development

HNA Capital
HNACapital acts as the financial function of HNA Group. Using the strong financialbackground of HNA Group, HNA Capital strives to become a versatile one-stopfinancial service enterprise, strengthening and establishing itself as aworld-class finance brand.
Total assets up to $64 billion
With nearly 30 member companies and over 1,400 domestic outlets
Operating nearly 550 leasing aircrafts
Over 13,000 employees with operations in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai,Shenzhen, Hong Kong, New York, London, Berlin, Dubai and 100 other cities

HNA Logistics
HNALogistics covers four major business categories including logistics investment,logistics financial services, supply chain management and HNA smartmanufacturing.HNA Logistics strives to be a global investor in the logisticsindustry and a logistics financial services provider.
Total assets up to $12 billion
With more than 40 member companies employing over 8,000 employees
Ranking 9th in China’s shipbuilding with annual shipbuildingcapacity of 6 million tons
Operating nearly 60 ships for sea transportation with annualtransportation capacity of over 42.5 million tons
Over 600 cold-chain transport vehicles

HNA EcoTech
Positioned as ahigh-tech industry holding group, HNA EcoTech undertakes the responsibility of developingHNA’s strategic transition into a modern information and technologyage. HNA Eco-tech integrates resources by linking information, overturning conventionalbusiness, building a shared and collaborative technologicaleco-system and helps to boost HNA Group’s demandto become a giantin the modernservice and technology industry.
10 member companies, including two data centers inboth north and south China and one disaster recovery center
2,000employees spread across offices in Beijing, Haikou, Xi’An, Hong Kong and SanFrancisco

HNA’s Global Footprint

“Createan ideal and diverse world with HNA!”
HNA’s internationalization began withthe opening of the first internationally scheduled route between Beijing andBudapest in 2004
Since 2010, HNA’s pace ofinternationalization has been rapidly accelerating with the first majorinternational acquisition of Australian Allco aircraft leasing business for$150 million
HNA has acquired and invested in over 37overseas enterprises throughout 17 countries and regions
Current overseas assets total over $34billion, employing over 86,000 overseas employees

InternationalTalent Program (ITP) Overview

“Buildthe confidence to master your own career!”

In order to accelerate HNA Group’s internationalization process,and provide persistent support for its multinational strategic layout, HNAGroup is now hiring for high potential international talent. Ideal candidateswith overall quality possess excellent English language skills, a global scopeand outstanding cultivation potential. HNA Group’s ITP will provide an18-to-24-monthglobally based, diversified and professional talent development system as wellas a competitive remuneration package, along with a comprehensive range ofbenefits.

ITP TrainingProcess
Initial 6-month Induction Period:Working alongside mentors,you will receive first-hand training while performing regular duties andfamiliarizing yourself with the company and industry
12-to-18-month Rotation Period:As a well trained staffmember, you will be working on rotations throughout key business areas withinthe group and receiving professional training
Final Assessment:Before your next career advancement withinthe multinational, your performance will be assessed based on your individualITP career development plan and a comprehensive evaluation by your mentors andmanagers

ITP DepartmentCategories
IT Development andManagement

ITP Requirements
Educational Experience: Working toward a Bachelor’s degree oradvanced degrees from a World Top 100 university (or US top 50)with pendinggraduation by end of 2017 at the latest
English Language: CET 6/IELTS 6.5/TOEFL 80/TOEIC 650 or higher, ornative speaker
Merit worthy qualifications:
Honor student, scholarship recipient or equivalent,participant/winner of school competition, major recognition or equivalent
Multilingual skills
Wide international perspective
Served as a member of a student union or student organization
Internship experience at a Fortune 500 company
Holder of any professional certificate related to degree

ITP Package
A ContinuouslyRising Enterprise: You will be working in a continuously growing Fortune 500enterprise within an energetic and positive work environment
A GlobalIndustrial Chain: Both across China and overseas, the group operates business inthe fields of aviation, real estate, hospitality, capital investments, tourism,finance, logistics, shipbuilding and eco-technology
A SystematizedTraining Program:You will becooperating with well-known universities receiving professional training,tutorials, workshops, research, business visits, etc.
A SmoothPromotion Channel:Focusing ontalent cultivation and personal aptitude, HNA Group continues to value andpromote young bright talent with the average age of current management being35-40
SpecialBenefits:Discounted flight tickets, hotels, travelpackages etc.
ITP Locations
Depending on preference, specific skill sets and necessity, ITPtalent will begin their programs in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong or Haikou and havethe potential to move to other core business both throughout China andinternationally

ITP RecruitmentProcess

Step 1        Apply online for a HNA ITP position bysending your CV to [email protected] or by visiting our LinkedIn page

Step 2        Candidates who passedinitial screening will be asked to take anonline assessment test focused onleadership and logical thinking

Step 3        Candidates who makethe online assessment have the chance to be invited for an interview whilecandidates who don't make online assessment is allowed to attend the CareerTalk.

Step 4        Attend a scheduled 1stround on-site interviews after career talk(whereavailable)

Step 5        Qualified candidates will be scheduled fora 2nd round interview with potential line-managers by video, phoneor face-to-face depending on availability and location

Step 6        Approved candidates will be scheduledfor a final personality assessment

Step 7        HNA Group will send offer letters to successfulcandidates

The entire application procedure is expected to take 2-3 months,depending on your application timeframe, career talk, follow-up interviews andthe start of the next ITP intake

HNA Corporate SocialResponsibility

“Pursue an everlasting impact and share the success withthe society!”
HNAtakes corporate social responsibility as one of its strategic developmentobjectives. Centering around the core value of "Love &Integrity", HNA commits itself in fulfilling it's extensionalresponsibilities to the community, planet and humanity.
Past activities &achievements
Cumulative total investment of more than $150 million in publiccharities
Ongoing “HNA Brightness Action” has provided vision rehabilitationtherapies for 6,000 cataract patients in China and Africa
Continuous natural disaster relieve support across China withfunding and donations of $39 million
“HNA Wells for Arid Areas” project solves drinking water problemsfor over 220,000 people by drilling 91 wells in arid areas with an investmentof $3 million
“HNA Hope School” project invests over $4.5 million to constructand establish 5 elementary schools across china
“HNA Social Venture & Innovation” contests with totalinvestments amounting $1 million
“The Compassion Trip of HNA” invests over $500 thousand to helpcure children with congenital heart disease
“HNA Bring Love Home” program has supported over 600 impoverishedstudents of migrant workers and left-behind children to help them go home forthe Spring Festival national holiday
Ongoing UNICEF’s “Change for Good” fundraising program on boardour airlines
“HNA Treasure Island” Scholarship with over 600 students beensubsidized for college with grants amounting to $1.1 million
HNA Group donating $1.5 million to UNICEF’s Haiti’s ChildProtection Program
HNA Group donating $5 million to UNESCO’s Girls and Women’sEducation Program in Asia and Africa
HNA group donating $1.5 million to WFP’s School Feeding Program inGhana
Honored to win the international “South-South Award” forachievements in corporate social responsibility
HNA Group honored to win the “China Charity Award” already on fouroccasions
HNA Volunteer enrollment has reached more than 5,500 persons withtotal duration of volunteer services reaching 160,000 man-hours
HNA Group has donated 20% of its shares to the Hainan LiberationCommonweal Foundation, making it the largest single shareholder of HNA

Awards &Recognition

“Integrity, performance and innovation are ourprinciples to make things possible!”For six consecutive years Hainan Airlines has been certified as aSKYTRAX 5-Star Airlines
HNA Group rank #353 in 2016 Fortune 500 Global List
HNA Capital Group ranks Fortune China top 500 in 2016
Hainan Airlines ranked as World's 5th safestairline by JACDEC
Haikou Meilan International Airport ranked asSKYTRAX Four Star Level Terminal and namedBest Regional Airport in China
Sanya Phoenix International Airport selected as the World’s BestAirport VIP Terminal by SKYTRAX
Selected as “World‘s Leading Airline”, “World'sLeading Excellence Inflight Service”, “Asia's Leading Tourism Group”, “WorldLeading Integrated Tourism Group”, “World Best Tourism Investment Group”,“Asia’s Leading Lifestyle Hotel Brand” and “World’s Leading Private Jet CharterCompany” by World Travel Awards
Tangla Tianjin Hotel received the "6Star-Diamond Award” by The American Academy of Hospitality Sciences as firsthotel in China and 6th in the world
HNA Logistics Group Top 10 most competitivelogistics enterprises in China
HNA Eco-Tech Group Top 10 Internet FinanceEnterprises in China
HNA Eco-Tech Group Top 10 Internet FinanceEnterprises in China

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