(3) 美西最大的跨境投资公司,由UpHonest Capital基金领导,是一个包括天使投资、优质项目 A 轮跟投、大机构合投、产融结合与精准投后服务接入的新型跨境早期投资。目前海外已分设于旧金山、洛杉矶、西雅图等多个地区,为跨境创新公司及人才提供办公和对接等专业服务,现拥有300多家来自全球的入驻和投资企业。其新型的国际化创新社群组织,通过整合空间服务、资源社群、定制化专业服务以及至早期股权投资,为初创企业/团队提供最核心的服务、资源、链接和资金,助力其应对时代变革与国际化挑战。
(5) 硅谷估值最高的儿童智能牙刷科技企业,获得了美国各项大奖。CEO为犹太裔美国人,加州以色列企业家协会主席。该企业曾获得Greatest American Inventor创业真人秀100万美金奖金。公司极具发展前景,未来有很大机会被Philips收购。
Business Analyst Intern:
* Design, build, and test pipelines and platforms to streamline the development of machine learning models
* Developing in R and Python
* Experience with SQL(Hive, Oracle, MySQL)
* Experience with data visualization tools, Tableau, Excel VBA
Data Analyst Intern:
* Define and develop the program for metrics creation, data collection, modeling, and reporting the operational performance of data centers
* Interface with engineers, product managers and product analysts to understand data needs
* Experience in Design and development of R, Tableau, PHP, Python, Hadoop & SQL to drive efficient analytics
* Understanding of statistical analysis/machine learning/ algorithems, experience with packages such as MATLAB, SPSS, SAS, Stata, etc
UI/UX Designer Intern:
* Proven UX & UI design experiences with a strong portfolio
* Solid experience in creating wireframes, storyboards, user flows, and prototyping
* Excellent visual design skills with sensitivity to human-centered design
* Ability to present your designs and solutions
Software Engineer Intern:
* Experience in at least one multifaced server-side language : PHP, Python, Perl, Java, Ruby, Scala or similar
* Experience working with Hadoop /Hive /Spark
* Creativity and quick problem solving capabilities
Marketing Intern:
* Manage content output on social platforms
* Assist clients in the planning of marketing campaigns and events
* Leverage Microsoft relationship to fund client demos, workshops, and other presale activities
Business Development Intern:
* Assist BD manager to do new partners development and outreach in both the US and China
* Selling of B2B services to companies and organizations in need of cross border services
* Assist to manage client engagements across the US and China
* Prepare for weekly meeting and report to the BD manager