dance school:
1: 10:00-11:00 ballet technique class studio 6 3/F
contemporary dance studio 4 4/F
contemporary dance studio 1 4/F
chinese classical dance studio 6 3/F
2: 11:00-12:00 chinese classical dance studio 6 and 9 3/F
3: 11:15-4:00 学生演出(现代舞,芭蕾舞,中国舞) studio 1 4/F
4: 1:00-2:00 Hip-pop class studio 3 4/F
5: 3:00-4:00 踢踏舞课 studio 8 3/F
drama school:
1: 10:50-11;30/2:45-3:25 音乐剧演唱技巧课示范 studio 14 5/F
2: 12:45-1:35/ 3:00-3:45 演技课示范 studio 10 5/F
3: 2:00-2:45 形体课 studio 10
4: 12:15-12:45 and 3:40-4:10 《复仇三部曲》选段 studio 14 5/F
music school :
从早上十点到下午四点 各种敲击乐,爵士乐,中乐,铜管乐演出(地点:到学校可咨询)
推荐:1: 1:00 爵士乐 一楼大堂 ,
2: 3:00 作曲系学生作品 演奏厅 3/F,
3 4:30 少年交响乐队 音乐厅 1楼及三楼(两入口)
film/tv school 学生作品放映 1:00-3:30 drama theater 1楼
***please queue outside the studio or theater 15 mins before the class /performance starts.admission on first-come -first served basis( all of these are free of charge )