我走前去,说了句,nice to meet you. VO没反应,我递了160,护照,以及邀请函进去。她电脑里面敲打了一会,就开始问我了。
Vo: 你是干什么工作的?她问了我中文呢。
Me: I am an account service in a paper printing company. And I am the assistant manager of our department. I need to do a lot of the things, such as:
Ineed to develop the new products with them, make the quotation, discuss withthem on the cost. Once the cost and the pre-production samples are ready, theywill send me the purchase orders. After I received the orders, I need to followup the mass production, the delivery and the shipment.
VO: Is this the first time you go to USA?
Me: Yes, it is the first time I go to the USA.
VO: Is the header of eeboo's or your company? 她再看我的邀请函,问我,邀请函的打印纸,是我客人的还是我们公司的。
Me: It is eeboo's
VO: Do you think the paper is good or not? 我没听明白,现在想起来,她应该是问了这句。她看我没回答,她自己用中文问了句,是好的还是不好的?她是指我客人给我的邀请函的打印纸(我晕,是来考验我专业知识吗)
Me: It is good.
VO: I do not like this paper. I thing it is not good.
Me: It has texture.
VO: Yes, texture. 送我了一个笑脸。
Me: Eeboo is q special company, she likes to use the things unnomal. Do you want to see its catalog?
VO: Yes
VO: How long have you worked in your company?
Me: I worked in this company over eight years. (eight, 我专门说的很慢,强调了eight. 看签经里面有人因为工作年限少被拒签的)
VO:Do you have chird?
Me:No,I do not have.
然后,她说了句,your visa is approved.
Wa,好开心呢,然后,我赶紧送了一个大笑脸,大声的说了句,thank you !