Mr. Tim Johnson
1 Wellfields Writtle Essex CM1 3LF
Tel No: 07990 594345
Mr. Flegg
Oxney Garage 214 Ongar Road Writtle Essex
Tel(day) 01245-420149
Mr. Redman
33 Long Brandocks Writtle Essex
Tel (day): 01245-420910(eve):same
Mrs. Judith Swann
12 The Ryle Writtle Essex CM1 3JQ
Tel (day): 07939149853(eve): 01245-422302
Miss Joyce Graham
21 Rectory Rd Writtle Essex CM1 3HL
Tel (day): 01245-453585(eve): 01245-420921
Mr. and Mrs. P Poyiadzis
130 Bush Hill London N21 2BS
Tel(day) 07957 011 376 (eve) 0208 3607966