专业会计master of professional accounting (MPA)一般不需要工作经验和会计背景,1.5年获得硕士学位后可以获得助理会计师资格Associate CPA status, 如果愿意移民,就可以直接申请移民,因为会计目前是优惠专业,移民一般需要只要3个月,而且可以获得过桥签证,不勇离境等待,在等待期间,申请人可以工作,或者继续读Master of Accountancy课程,获得CPA会计硕士学位,等有了三年工作经验就自动获得CPA资格。
1. 可以获得双硕士学位;
2. 读书过程中已经获得移民,无需回国等待;
3. 读完MPA后,再读CPA的Master of Acountancy, 过程中已经获得PR, 学费则减少1/3 (本地学生学费便宜)
4. 工作三年后,获得CPA资格,可以自己开业。
此外要纠正一个错误: 很多人认为读Maquarie 大学的Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting需要1年,再读1.5年Accounting, Professional - Master of Commerce in (CPA Strand)就可以获得CPA Status, 这是错误的。因为该研究生文凭只有8门课程,并不够Associate Status of CPA的要求的13门课程,所以当然也无法申请移民,除非再读5门课程。
见课程介绍(Although the Postgraduate Diploma only requires a minimum of eight units for the award, those students who wish to proceed to the CPA or CA program may need to take additional units beyond the minimum eight units to meet CPA Australia and the Institute's criteria for entry to the CPA and CA programs. For those students who have not studied any accounting, economics or business related subjects at tertiary level, completion of all 13 units shown above will be required for entry to the CPA or CA program. )
来源Source: http://www.gacc.mq.edu.au/pg_dip.asp