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标题: [超强转帖]880技术移民签证(onshore)全方位解析 [打印本页]

作者: cilytale    时间: 2009-1-20 19:22
标题: [超强转帖]880技术移民签证(onshore)全方位解析
This visa is for you if you are an overseas student who:
is under 45 years of age
has completed an eligible qualification(s) as a result of at least two (2) years full-time study in Australia
has the skills and qualifications that meet the Australian standard for an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and their nominated occupation is classified as either:
1. a 60 point occupation or \
2. a 50 point occupation if the overseas student has completed a PhD in Australia.
The points test pass mark for this visa is 120 points. If you score less than 120 points, your application will be refused.
这个签证的pass mark是120。不满120分的申请将被拒绝。
第一部分 年龄
The following table lists the points you will be awarded based on your age group at the time you apply.
Points Awarded
18 to 29 years
30 to 34 years
35 to 39 years
40 to 44 years

Evidence to attach to your application
You should attach a certified copy of the full birth certificates of each family member to your application.
在你申请表内所有家庭成员的出生公证书。 (所有参与申请的人)
第二部分 提名技术职业
Nominated Skilled Occupation
You will only be awarded points for your nominated occupation if you meet the following:
the occupation you nominated was on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) current at the time you made your application
the relevant Australian assessing authority for your nominated skilled occupation determines that your skills are suitable for migration.
Points are awarded based on which skill category your occupation is classified. A general overview of these categories is provided below.
Points Awarded
For most occupations where training is specific to the occupation
In most cases you will have a qualification (such as a degree or trade qualification) and experience which meets the relevant Australian standards. Your qualifications and experience are also specifically related to your nominated occupation and you are able to meet any registration requirements in Australia. In some cases, experience without formal qualifications may be acceptable.
For more general professional occupations
You must have a qualification equivalent to an Australian bachelor degree or higher qualification – but it need not be specifically related to your nominated occupation.
For other general skilled occupations
You must have a qualification equivalent to an Australian diploma or advanced diploma – but it need not be specifically related to your nominated occupation.

Evidence to attach to your application
To ensure that your application is complete, to help us process your application faster, you must attach:
a certified copy of a completed skills assessment document which confirms that your skills have been assessed as suitable for your nominated occupation.
one of the following:
1. a certified copy of your post-secondary qualifications, such as your degree or diploma certificate and your transcripts or mark sheets
2. certified copies of your work references provided by your employers that detail the position/s you held and the duties you performed (if you have worked in an occupation where substantial work experience may be acceptable instead of post-secondary qualifications).
第三部分 英语
Level of English
Generally effective command of the English language and the ability to use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.
Reasonable command of the English language, coping with overall meaning in most situations and the ability to communicate effectively in your nominated field of employment.
Sufficient English to cope with everyday situations and even some work situations.
Level of English
Required IELTS Test Results
A band score of at least six (6) on each of the four (4) components – speaking, reading, listening and writing.
A band score of at least five (5) on each of the four (4) components – speaking, reading, listening, and writing.
An average band score of at least 4.5 based on all four (4) components – speaking, reading, listening, and writing.

Level of English
Points Awarded

雅思 6(4项都是6 ) 20分
雅思 5(4项都是5 ) 15分
雅思 4.5 (平均4.5 ) 没分
A higher level of English is required for certain occupations where it forms part of the skills assessment. You can find out if your occupation requires a higher level of English by contacting the assessing authority for your nominated occupation. Contact details for assessing bodies are available at the end of the Skilled Occupation List.
English requirements for family members
Members of your family, aged 18 years or over, who are included in your application must provide evidence of their current level of English.
Members of your family who have been assessed as not having functional English will be required to pay a second instalment visa application charge.
This payment will entitle them to English language tuition in Australia to achieve functional English language ability. Applicants who are required to pay this charge will receive information about the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) and where they can receive tuition when their visa is granted.
See: Learning English with the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)
Note: The full amount of this charge must be paid before your visa can be granted. However, you should not pay this charge until requested to do so by the department.
这笔钱用于你过来学英文的学费, 学不学无所谓,钱你的交上,不然签证你别想拿
Evidence to attach to your application
You and your family members must obtain evidence of your English language ability.
Level of English
Evidence Required
You must provide one of the following:
evidence that you are a native speaker of English
IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) Number to show you have a band score of at least six on each of the four components – speaking, reading, listening and writing
evidence of having taken and passed an Occupational English Test as part of your skills assessment.
You must provide your IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) Number to show you have a band score of at least five on each of the four components – speaking, reading, listening and writing.
You must provide your IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) Number to show you have a band score of at least four and a half based on all four components – speaking, reading, listening and writing.

important: If there is any doubt about your English language ability, despite the evidence you may submit with your application, your case officer may ask you to undertake an International English Language Testing System test. Any waiver of the test is at the discretion of your case officer.
注意important后面的话,很多朋友不止一次的问我,雅思是不是要考G类的,甚至要不要考的问题,我个人就没考,原因就在于这里的一句话Any waiver of the test is at the discretion of your case officer. 本人当时大学毕业,而且申请时是副申请人,也就是达到4.5的要求就够了,就算用脚后跟想UQ毕业,在澳洲生活3年并通过CPA技术评估的人也有这个水平了吧。于是我就根本没理他,什么都没提供,后来移民局还是厚着脸皮让我交那2000多的英文学习费,我当然没理他们,去拿这段找移民局理论一番,最后免掉了。不过,还是不建议大家这么做,毕竟澳州政府还是金钱至上,能坑你一把,他们是不会错过机会的。如果你不象玩心跳的话,还是考了吧
第四部分 澳洲学历
You have completed an Australian doctorate at an Australian educational institution after a period of at least two (2) years full-time (two (2) academic years) while physically present in Australia.
You have:
completed an Australian Masters or Honours degree (at least upper second class level) at an Australian educational institution while physically present in Australia and
prior to completing the Masters or Honours degree, you were awarded an Australian bachelor degree as a result of at least one year full-time study while physically present in Australia and
the total period of full-time study in Australia was at least two (2) years (two (2) academic years)
You have completed full-time study in Australia for a total of at least two (2) years (two academic years) towards the award of a degree, diploma or trade qualification.
在澳洲进行至少2年全职博士学习 15分
在澳洲研究生或荣誉学士毕业,并且之前获得澳洲学士学位(最少一年在澳洲完成),全部在澳洲全职学习时间最少2年 10分
在澳洲完成最少2年全职学习,并拿到学位,文凭或证书 5分
Evidence to attach to your application
You or your spouse, where relevant, must obtain documentary evidence of having completed one of the qualifications described above. This evidence includes:
a certified copy of notification of your results or a transcript of your academic record
and one of the following:
certified copy of your degree, diploma or trade certificate (if available)
a letter of completion from your educational institution which details:
the name of your course
the qualification you have obtained
the pattern of study – full-time versus part-time
the medium of instruction was in English
For you to be awarded these points, documentary evidence as described above must be included with your application.

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