FINC6010 考试比重 | |
Week 1 Introduction | 2-4题 |
Week 2 Futures Market | 8-10题 |
Week 3 Using Futures | 8-10题 |
Week 4 Futures Pricing | 10-16题 |
Week 5 Swaps | 2-4题 |
考点1 | OTC市场与Exchange市场的比较区别 |
考点2 | Option的相关概念及profit、break-even point计算 |
考点3 | Delivery相关内容(三个notice day) |
考点4 | Open interest |
考点5 | Margin(作用及initial margin、maintenance margin、margin call) |
考点6 | Clearing House(机制,haircut概念,CCPs) |
考点7 | 各种order的含义 |
考点8 | Regulation的相关机构(CFTC) |
考点9 | 会计上recognize利润的方法(依据:是否是hedger) |
考点10 | forward和futures的区别 |
考点11 | 关于汇率的标价(forward和futures的区别) |
考点12 | 判定对冲策略(该short还是long) |
考点13 | 公司对冲的相关争议(记结论) |
考点14 | 计算Effective price paid/gained(F1+b2) |
考点15 | basis change 对position 的影响 |
考点16 | 合约的选择两大要领(时间,标的物) |
考点17 | hedge ratio+optimal number of contracts+tailing the hedge |
考点18 | stock index futures +changing the beta |
考点19 | rolling the hedge forward的概念 |
考点20 | investment asset 和consumption asset 的区别 |
考点21 | short selling的机制 |
考点22 | assets provide no income/known income/yield的的price 和value |
考点23 | arbitrage思路 |
考点24 | forward & futures prices为啥有时不一样 |
考点25 | futures price on consumption commodities的upper bound |
考点26 | convenience yield + cost of carry |
考点27 | futures prices and expected future spot prices 的关系 |
考点28 | 算currency futures最后的profit/loss |
考点29 | interest rate futures 里的第一部分:day count 和quotation(in AUS) |
考点30 | interest rate futures里的第一部分:算hedging的loss/payoff |
考点31 | interest rate futures里的第二部分:理解duration概念 |
考点32 | use of duration 情况下的hedge strategies相关计算 |
考点33 | 算total gain |
考点34 | 算各方的payments和receive |
考点35 | 搞懂这两个swap的具体过程 |
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