1. "The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements", 3rd edition, GI White, AC Sondhi & D Fried. 财务报表分析与应用
2. "Foundamentals of Financial Management", 9th edition, EF Brigham & JF Houston. 财务管理基础
3. "Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management", 6th edition, FK Reilly & KC Brown. 投资分析与组合管理
4. "International Investment", 5th edition, B Solnik & D McLeavey. 国际投资学
1. "Economics: Private & Public Choice", 10th edition, JD Gwartney, RL Stroup, RS Sobel & DA Macpherson.
2. "Foundations of International Macroeconomics", M Obstfeld & K Rogoff.