1. 关闭187(偏远地区雇主担保)签证,除了部分457和482签证持有人
2. 引入新雇主担保494签证,有2个类别:雇主担保和劳工合同
3. 带领雇主寻求雇用外国工人,其中包括旨在保护澳大利亚和外国工人以及该计划完整性的条款
Schedule2 – Changes to Employer Nominated visas
Schedule2 to the legislative instrument makes amendments to:
??close the permanent Subclass 187 (RegionalSponsored Migration Scheme) visa, except for certain Subclass 457 (TemporaryWork (Skilled)) visa and Subclass 482 (Temporary Skill Shortage) visa holders;
??create the Subclass 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional(Provisional) visa (Subclass 494) with two streams: Employer Sponsored andLabour Agreement, for employers in regional Australia to employ skilled foreignworkers; and
??bring employers seeking to employ foreign workers under thesponsorship regime under Division 3A of Part 2 of the Migration Act and Part 2Aof the Migration Regulations, which includes provisions aimed at the protectionof both Australian and foreign workers and at the integrity of the program.
Itis important to note that visa holders who have condition 8579 imposed on theirvisas are free to travel throughout Australia without restriction. They maylive in any State or Territory of Australia provided that the location isclassified as a designated regional area.
condition8579 will be imposed and that they cannot access other skilled migration visasfor at least three years.