{:5_194:}那祝你成功~继续纠结我的网、、、作者: feichengwurao@a 时间: 2013-7-26 00:19
木知道啊{:11_549:}{:11_549:}作者: Pyree 时间: 2013-7-26 00:30
That's normal on crappy Telstra copper phone line. Also, it takes time for the rain water to seep through into the duct housing the phone line so the time it takes before your internet fxxks up after raining can be hard to predict. 作者: jamena.chen@a 时间: 2013-7-26 00:39
也是这样么?国内的游戏服务器连不上,看电视正常?可是我下载也慢的呕血啊。。作者: prof_writing 时间: 2013-7-26 14:23
Optus is shit too ... thought Internode and Telstra might be better?作者: 米兰真的爱夏天 时间: 2013-7-26 14:23