标题: @@@@急!!關於unisa “CP”的疑問!!@@@@ [打印本页] 作者: xavier@a 时间: 2012-12-9 00:55 标题: @@@@急!!關於unisa “CP”的疑問!!@@@@ 我讀的是unisa management of marketing, bachelor, 最後一個學期,我讀5門課,屬於overloaded,讀完這個學期就可以畢業了,我已經提前申請了4間大學的master offer,一切只欠東風,誰知道今天查成績,marketing for service得了F1(40-49%),3年唯一一門讀的external掛了..心中無比鬱悶,吃龍肉也感之乏味,我想問問大家: 我能去course coodinator講我的特殊情況,說我還差一科就畢業了, 因為是overloaded所以壓力比較大,而且我的成績也是ok的,GPA有4.7,然後去申請個CP嗎?
因為我上unisa的網查過manual,說CP要符合三個條件: 1. overall 45~49% of the course 2. at least 3.75 GPA 3.will assit student to meet graduate outcomes of the program
可是上面也寫了CP may not be requested by student, 但是最後有一行, Where appropriate, a conceded or terminating pass may be awarded outside this policy. In such cases, the grounds for the award must be reported to the division board as a variation to standard procedure.