谢谢了 !那看来要打开这牌子的市场很难。。作者: hancd0801 时间: 2012-3-18 23:30
DAIWA是名牌 是个店里基本都有卖 几十到几百不等 至于高端路线嘛。。反正我玩不起~ 作者: billycow 时间: 2012-3-18 23:49
做倒是没啥问题,关键是你的价格得干的过 ray and anne's才行。不然应该没任何市场。作者: specialforu 时间: 2013-5-6 11:09
就是市场问题是个大问题,如果自己弄店怎么做营销,澳洲人挺喜欢钓鱼的,但是好像更愿意去大点的店作者: starlet125x 时间: 2013-5-7 12:28
Daiwa has a dealership in AUS, if you directly import daiwa products into AUS, you might be charged with a tariff or a quota, and will end up paying higher price than order from the AUS daiwa dealer. i suggest if you do so, dont import a large number.