
本帖最后由 vat 于 2014-7-27 13:42 编辑

回国出清!!!!!全部20刀以下,凡买都随便送,上门自取可以挑赠品,要的都拿走。都可以送货,视近远收费。套装式出清,纯粹为清空房子便宜大卖,切勿议价!位于Carina Heights 东区,随便上门看、取货!还有需要东西没有放上来,像床啊,打印机啊那些,欢迎询问:0452200918

1. 厨房用品,你图片里看到的全部,甚至比这里更多的,全部15刀

2. 办公室桌子,质量很好的,是UQ图书馆那种,一共有六张,10刀一张,全部50刀

3. 床头柜一个木制,一个竹子制,加一个ikea三层小书架,全部三个20刀!!!


6. 书桌加台灯 15刀一套;25刀两套

7. 两张木制大桌子 15刀一张,或者两张20 L:155cm*82; L:110*30cm长*宽

8. 咖啡机 20刀
[size=13.333333969116211px]- The NESCAFé® Dolce Gusto® machines are a single-cup coffee machine which delivers a professional 15-bar pressure, and a perfect cup everytime, whether it’s a frothy latte macchiato or an Espresso shot. Each drink variety can be prepared in less than one minute. The NESCAFé® Dolce Gusto® coffee machine comes complete with a warranty from De‘Longhi.
[size=13.333333969116211px]This unique machine combines the expertise and history of NESCAFé coffee making with innovative De’Longhi know-how, engineering and technical perfection.
[size=13.333333969116211px]- for more information see https://www.dolce-gusto.com.au/E ... -Demonstration.aspx

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