求助 怎样去medibank退OSHC的保险费

上个月拿到PR了,所以想去把MEDIBANK的学生保险退掉,请知道的同学帮帮忙,谁可以告诉我怎样去网上下载那个refund form或者是medibank在adelaide的办公地点?谢谢了
回复 Hema 的帖子

谢谢了,不过我的是medibank的,和worldcare是可以用一个refund form吗?
回复 小鲤鱼泡泡 的帖子

https://www.oshcworldcare.com.au ... s_applications.aspx

find Refund Form.

Fill the form with your bank detail. Copy your passport and Visa label.

Post to the address in the form.

They will transfer the money to your account after a few days.
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