[布里斯班租房city] 近UQ St Lucia 单间出租,每周170水电网全包,限女生,走到UQ十分钟左右

本帖最后由 jiayuanqi 于 2017-6-27 10:02 编辑

One bedroom in 3 bedroom house (ground floor) for rent, the house is in 30 Eleventh Avenue, St Lucia, just 10 minutes walk to the University of Queensland. Hawken Drive Shopping Village is just around the corner, with IGA store, bakery and heaps of good restaurants and shops. 5 minutes walk to bus stop to City and Indooroopilly.
The rent is just $170 per room each week (including electricity/gas/internet/water).
The house is fully furnished with 3 bedrooms, kitchen and one bathroom.
The lease term can be 6 or 12 months.
The room is available  from July 1 2017. Housemates are UQ female student.
Please ring Jack on +61418367118
Email: [email protected]

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#在这里快速回复#小伙伴们还在为Take房子后的家电和家具发愁么?  悉尼十年老店 Ozyoyo认证商家 PW Furniture,昆士兰新店开张酬宾,特价家电 家具。   铁艺金属床架+舒适席梦思(软硬都有五年保固) 特惠套装 仅需$198起。     冰箱+洗衣机特惠套装 仅需$788起 10KM内免费送货!家电是国内著名美的代工,质量过硬,物美价廉。 机会不容错过哦 微信:PWQLD2017
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