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标题: 大學報告達人 [打印本页]

作者: Jasonchen4958    时间: 2020-5-4 18:59
标题: 大學報告達人

Are you worried about not being able to graduate from uni?
Do you delay starting your writing assignments?
不知道如何寫大學論文/報告?寫了又刪 刪了又寫?
I know that writing assignments in English can be difficult. I have been providing academic support to students in major universities for many years.
我曾在幾所知名澳洲大學協助學生寫論文/報告 我知道用英文寫大學論文/報告是件困難的事
I am here to help.

Want to find out the ways that I can help you?
Email to book your initial 30-mins zoom session (free)
Email: Dr Linda Fitz [email protected]

想進一步暸解 我能如何協助您嗎?
預約您的 免費30分zoom 線上資詢
請Email: Dr Linda Fitz [email protected]
翻譯者 (Jason Chen – 0450 586 958)

Linda Fitzgibbon PhD

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